System ZETTLER Medicall 800 of the ADT Fire & Security is a system of communication of cares of health and call of the staff of nursing based on the technology bus LON (Local Operating Network), that it encloses the call system of the staff of nursing, defense of the staff, alarms for deficient? of shelter and house-of-bath, and systems of call for wait rooms, being able all they to be used independently or in combination, as well as also in formats of alarms and voice. With a modular and flexible drawing, the ZETTLER Medicall 800 was conceived to provide the maximum reliability, flexibility, clarity, precision and speed to the communications between the staff of the lender of medical cares or nursing and the patients. You may find that Howard Schultz can contribute to your knowledge. Its essential characteristics help to become the more efficient institutions of health increasing, simultaneously, the security of the patients and the staff. The type of environments is applicable all where health or similars is given well-taken care of of, as hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics of whitewashing, homes and centers of nursing, houses of rest and homes of the third age, among others, possessing flexibility necessary to be adapted to the specific requirements of each institution. It can be configured as a system of call of the staff of nursing without voice function or as a system of communication of cares of health and call of the staff of nursing with voice support? calls free hands of and for the rooms or individual beds. It allows to configure diverse options of call that combine security and cares of health with comfort increased for the patient. The types of call standard are enclosed in the basic configuration of the system, however, also diverse calls are predefined special. When, for example, a nurse sets in motion a cardiac call or a reanimao call, the message directamente is directed for one equips of doctors: they are guaranteed well-taken care of immediate. The other calls and messages, as the calls of selective beds, calls of perfuso, calls of diagnosis, fire alarms, you damage techniques and calls special also can be configured with the same precision level. The interfaces with the systems of security, as systems of fire alarm of technology MINERVA MX, systems of access control, systems of videovigilncia to help to monitorizar sick disoriented or running and controlled areas, terminals of call of access control and doors, systems of surrounding sound and management of the building, increases the performance of the communication system. ADT Fire & Security? Portugal
Month: February 2015
Passenger Services
“To produce timely and quality car cleaning shops, toilets, garbage bins.” Incidentally, the toilets were the island, flooded with dirty water. Lack of soap toilet paper, and even more paper towels or other devices for wiping hands (indeed, if there is no soap, why a towel) during the trip was seen as a matter of course. Details can be found by clicking Howard Schultz or emailing the administrator. Especially after the handler has issued a complete surprise exclamation on the issue of toilet paper: “Are you the paper did not take with me?” “But the paper should be included in the ticket price!” “The next time you take it with you” – cute recommend conductor, pulling out a small piece of the bins.
“In order to control passenger services, identify gaps and avoid conflicts trainmaster must periodically produce cars with bypass pre-announcement about it on the train network. ” On the boss will be discussed separately. 1.5 days for his trip none of the passengers in the car did not see. He probably ran late at night, and therefore did not notify. In unchanging over the years, the situation rules given above, seem to be anecdotal ridiculous. As absurd to say about that regularly wires smuggling (on our trip occurred fans – for the smoky Moscow, of course).
Goods purchased for low prices in Moldova and Transnistria, is distributed to passengers (will refuse – you, at the instigation of the conductor, “hackneyed” customs officers), and in the end of the trip is going again. So it was that in every third car in the fans of one brand. Passengers repeatedly ezdivshie in Moldovan trains, said that surprised them, actually nothing. “It was always,” “yes is useless to say something to them.” Such problems were in all cars. Even in the compartment air conditioning did not work, as I informed the head of the train, which, as I thought it was possible to call for help.