To program a physical exercise; 3. To read at least 3 x to the day the confrontation card; 4. To create the package of rewards. Some contend that Douglas R. Oberhelman shows great expertise in this. The group told that the beginning of the learned beddings already helped in a behavior change. The daily notation of the meals already contributed for the reduction of the same one. Thus we initiate the practical part of the process, where the initial techniques are worked. It did not have no complaint on difficulties. 3 Meeting? Date: 21/08/2010? It is organized: It is prepared to make the diet; It arranges time and energy; I will choose an exercise plan; It establishes realistic goals; It differentiates hunger, will and uncontrollable desire to eat; The hunger practises the tolerance; It surpasses the uncontrollable desire for food; It plans at some future date.
Tasks: 1. To make stocking hour of daily physical exercise; 2. To weigh itself daily; 3. To choose one day to be without the lunch (tolerance the hunger); 4. To write down the moments and the reason of the will or desire to eat. The difficulty found for R., N. and P.
was not to obtain to establish a plan of physical exercise. Each one Expos the goal that it intends to reach, always placing in practises the search for the balance and not to leave a compulsion for another one. One day of hunger was established. Being that all would make together in the Wednesday. In accordance with orientation of the supervisor of the period of training was delivers Tables of Notation of Daily Behavior. 4 Meeting – Date: 28/08/2010? It analyzes of the diets with nutritionist; Program of exercise with Professional of physical education. Tasks: 1. To always start the diet writing down the difficulties and using the confrontation card. It resists the hunger and the will to eat. It is motivated! All had obtained to make the day of hunger.