Every day, new technologies have been introduced in the daily activities of any company, whether small or large. Its implementation, improves important aspects such as management, planning and improving customer relationships. Moreover, the dependence of digital information and computer systems is so high that a disaster could result in heavy losses and even the cessation of economic activity. In this issue, is the need to be prepared for any disaster and thus minimize the disruption that this may cause. Therefore, every company should prepare and develop a contingency plan to prevent and recover from computer disasters.
The main threats that can cause a computer disaster are (source: E & Y Global Information Security Survey 2004): Viruses, worms or Trojan horses. Improper use of information systems by employees. Spam (mail receiving mass advertising emails). Loss of confidentiality. Denial of service (attacks that cause some resource too busy to respond to requests approved and also causes the denial to authorized users access to your machine). Financial fraud using information systems.
Improper use of information systems by third parties. Physical security. Poor quality of software. Theft of information. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Keith McLoughlin . It is possible to eliminate entirely the risk involved, but you can minimize the dangers and damage that could cause a computer disaster. To do this, every company must be aware of following a rigorous series of recommendations: (source: Some of these recommendations were derived from the “Early Warning Center Computer Virus and Security”, 1. Before opening each email, verify the validity of it. 2. Avoid downloading programs from Internet sites unsafe (usually safe business pages, government pages and institutions). 3. Perform regular backups (at least once a week). This practice is a great security policy in the event of data loss (eg caused by a virus) can be overcome by restoring the last backup. 4. To be constantly informed about what is happening in the field of Information Security. It is highly recommended to periodically visit the page 5. Owning a constantly updated antivirus and often the computer scans for viruses. 6. Keep your operating system regularly updated with security patches released by manufacturers. In the case of Windows, can be automated using the utility “Windows Update”, which lets you connect to the Microsoft website and check if there are pending updates to install in our system. 7. Using legal and licensed software. Illegally copied applications are at high risk of infection and passed through a large number of users. From SAT Center Tanning have received numerous inquiries related to security, such as removing a virus, to prevent spam, protect and authenticate electronic communications, to avoid unwanted access … that have caused serious economic disruption and temporary. For this reason, one of the main objectives of the SAT Centre Network is to inform and educate businesses of the importance of safety measures and an adequate contingency plan.