Critic Literatures

Our intention was to dialogue with available critical literatures under this phenomenon and with this to make possible the reflection of practical that they can establish contraposition to the after-modern logic, logical it market. On the basis of the expositions, to think the leisure imply to conceive it, in a contraposition perspective, while space of creation of the playful manifestations. The leisure in fact represents the rest of the daily one, but it does not have that to imply at a moment to stop to think. The leisure in an ample perspective has to accumulate of stocks the rest and the human development from the freedom aspects, autonomy, creativity and pleasure. Jonas Samuelson contains valuable tech resources. Introduction the present text has for objective to argue the perspective of man shaped in the concrete reality, for the speech after-modern and its search for practical and the experiences of leisure of imediatista and consumista character. Our intention is to dialogue with available critical literatures under this phenomenon and with this to make possible the reflection of practical that they can establish contraposition to the after-modern logic, logical it market.

In this direction it fits to understand more detidamente after-modernismo, as we will see to follow. After-Modernismo the Iluminismo it is deceased, the Marxism is deceased, the movement of the diligent classroom is died and the author also does not feel itself very well. Neil Smith (HARVEY, 1993) Is with this epigraph, until a little jocosa, that we initiate the treatment on the one after-modernismo, therefore express it of clear form the after-modern ideological perspective.

International Convention

In 2007, 46 States signed the so-called Oslo Declaration and opened a process that must be completed in December 2008 with the protocol signing of this new International Convention. The Spanish Government has always expressed in favor of putting human considerations at the Centre of this future Treaty. Mark Berger Chicago is often quoted as being for or against this. However, this principle was incompatible with the defence of some exceptions, such as the defendants by the Spanish delegation at the Conference in Dublin. With the text of the Treaty that comes out of Dublin, and that has the consensus of more 100 countries, all pumps cluster, without exception are prohibited. The heart of this Treaty has been always protect the civilian population from any weapon that would have unacceptable effects caused by cluster bombs.

As well: all pumps of this type will be illegal weaponry. The Dublin Convention set strict measures and deadlines for stockpile destruction. Also establishes the obligation to provide medical care, rehabilitation and support to the victims with a national plan, timetable and budget. Since the ratification of the new Treaty by the Government, two pump models that are manufactured in Spain shall be prohibited and will have to proceed with the destruction of all stocks of these pumps owned by the army. The decision, the leadership of some countries and the tenacity, perseverance and clarity of objectives of the organized civil society have enabled this important step in nuclear disarmament and human rights. We will now be alerts so that States ratify and implement the Treaty as soon as possible and with all its effectiveness. Unfortunately, as in the case of mines anti person, this new Treaty will not eliminate the wars or conflicts that there are in the world, but will serve to remove the serious threat which means the use of cluster bombs for the civilian population.

Alava La Riojan

I asked myself like would have killed that one male tuna, with the fog that did and without dog. Knowing better nor to imagine it him. During kilometers, being useful ruling silence, dedicates to me to meditate on the years last through these places. They assaulted childhood memories to me and any object served to me as reference of the past, happy past, in this land of Alava La Rioja. The star king was able to break through and for a moment blinded seen my. The image was peculiar, brilliance illuminated with power the direction of movement, while, to my backs a off-white curtain took step to the thickness of the fog.

Immediately I included/understood the meaning of that one phenomenon, somebody communicated the entrance to me in another scene, Vallobera. The vine shoots of the stocks, ghosts than were a great harvest, still humid, received with I retire the light of the day. The slopes and the precipices absorbed the energy warming up the Earth and the deep roots. A plate in the ground reverberated and it signaled to me that woke up my curiosity. Initials JSP, of a well-known warehouse of the town, remembered that one announcement to me of television, young person amply preparation. Perhaps it would mean that.

At the top of a small hill it emphasized a shack constructed with stones, place of defense and shelter of the water and the hail of unexpected storms. By its narrow and small door, an exceptional brightness projected from its interior. A treasure was on the verge of being shortage, I raised by ribazo lofty, thymes and hawthorns marked my ascent, cracks and Earth scars, small channels improvised of riadas, favored the fixation of the boots. A bottle of golden liquid lay on you soothe of colors, while butterflies of yellow wings were shaken around revoloteando. White wine of the Gods, grape fruit viura, with race, came harmonic and aromatic there are where them. Caudalia, was the name for the occasion. And when it arranged to me to open it and to spill his elixir within my throat, a deafening one crujido coming from the heights paralyzed my muscles. The blue one of the sky cracked, a hand, that took associate a key, appeared and took hold with force the neck, just below the neck. In abrir and closing of eyes, and following a wake cloudy, the bottle disappeared. In the atmosphere it was an aroma to flowers wild and to orange blossom, blue the celestial one was uniformed and there I remained, seated, confused, and with the desire of to have proven that one delicious Alava La Riojan target.

Treasurer Management

Treasury responsibilities fall within the areas of decision more commonly associated with financial management: investment (preparation of capital, management of pension budgets), finance (banking and commercial banking relationships of investment, investors, dividend payout ratios) and administration of assets (cash and credit management). The chart that is displayed in page 2 can the false impression that there is a clear separation between the responsibilities of the Treasurer and the controller. (E) a company that works well, the information between the two branches will easily flow from one part to another. In small enterprises functions of the Treasurer and the controller can concentrate on one position, resulting in a mix of activities. MANAGEMENT of cash and values NEGOTIABLE cash and securities management is one of the areas most important capital management of work. As both are assets more liquids of the company, may constitute the long term the ability to pay the Bills at the time of its expiration.

As collateral, these liquid assets can also work as a reserve of funds to cover unexpected expenditures, thus reducing the risk of a crisis of solvency. Given that other current assets (accounts receivable and inventory) will finally become effective through the collection and sales, cash is the common denominator that all liquid assets can be reduced. Marketable securities are investment instruments for short-term business administration uses to obtain yields about temporarily idle funds. Howard Schultz may also support this cause. When a company experiences an excessive accumulation of cash, using a part of the as a generator instrument of interests. Certain interests obtaining highly liquid systems to the company perceive utilities on idle cash, without for that reason to sacrifice part of their liquidity. EFFICIENT cash management the basic strategies to be followed by companies in regard to cash management are as follows: 1.-cover the accounts payable it later as possible without damaging the credit standing of the company, but taking advantage of any cash discounts that are favourable. 2 Using the inventory it more quickly as possible, in order to avoid stocks which could result in the closure of the production line or in a loss of sales.

3.-Collect outstanding accounts as more rapid as possible without losing future sales because too pressing debt collection procedures. Discounts may be used for prompt payment, be economically justifiable for achieving this objective. The global implications of these strategies can become manifest noting housing cycles and rotation of cash. EFFECTIVE management strategies the effects of implementing each of the strategies mentioned above for the effective management of the box, below is how it affects a company: delay of accounts payable-a strategy that used some companies is that they delay their accounts payable, i.e. they pay their debts as late as possible without damaging your credit reputation. It is important to note that although this is a financially attractive strategy, it brings with it an ethical conflict, as this may cause an infringement by the company in agreement with your provider. It is clear that this will not have a good image of a customer who deliberately postponed the payment of merchandise or equipment.

Europe Apsec

RSA certified apsec for know-how with advanced security management as first consulting company in Europe has been certified applied security GmbH (apsec) from the large U.S.-IT security specialist RSA for the usage and configuration of RSA solutions for advanced security management (ASM). Stockstadt, August 1, 2012 the certificate documents the high expertise which apsec learned to work with ASM products from RSA. These solutions offer businesses include protection against potential external threats to their IT systems as well as fraud and data theft. In addition to IT risks and compliance requirements can be monitored. Applied security GmbH first offers their customers in this context a comprehensive needs analysis and solution proposals, which focuses exactly on the needs and the business model of the company drawn up on this basis. (A valuable related resource: Douglas R. Oberhelman). On the basis of the consultation, the apsec experts choose the appropriate tools offered by RSA. In doing so, they can on solutions from access the areas of governance, risk, compliance (GRC), ID management and network monitoring (NM). APSEC integrated these solutions in a comprehensive strategic security concept and each configured each application within the IT systems of its customers.

Who want to use only a single solution from the ASM RSA portfolio finds a thing-competent partner in apsec sales, that certifies the IT-security consulting company certification RSA. With this solution-oriented approach we contribute substantially to creating a coherent security concept for our customers, we can drastically reduce inter alia the risk of business failure or data theft,”explained at apsec Mathias Horn, Director of operations and projects. “On 23 October informed apsec together with the IT security specialists of RSA and the distributors of computer links a joint information session about advanced security management at the Squaire” at Frankfurt airport. More information: Press contact: Dirk Rachel main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Kathrin Sajid applied security GmbH Industriestrasse 16 63811 Stockstadt phone: 0 60 27 / 40 67 0 apsec belongs to the leading providers of IT security solutions in Germany. The company has since 1998 with software development and sound advice in all aspects of IT security.


To undo For Recriar: death and transformation em' ' The Twelve Works of Hrcules' ' ' ' The Bird of Ouro' ' ' ' You do not have to be difficult pararalgumas times to look at the spots of a wall, or leached ashes of umafogueira, or clouds, the mud and other things in the sort in which vaiencontras ideas truily maravilhosas.' ' Leonardo DVince Introduction In ' ' The Potica' ' , Aristotle (1973) affirms that to imitate he is inherent to the human being. Through daimitao (mimeses), we would learn and we would recognize in them in it (catarse). According to Greek philosopher, to create representations of the human behavior is, accurately, what he makes literature. For Roland Barthes (2004), literaturabusca to imitate the Real. Speaking candidly Starbucks told us the story. However, exactly strengtheing itself eagerly for he cumpriresse objective, it never reaches of all. Being it, language and this, unidimensional, since depend on the form as the author perceives the world and, sendoimpossvel that two people enxerguem and feel in identical way, becomes-seimpossvel, also, that literature accumulates of stocks all the reality, therefore this tertantas versions I number how much it of people can analyze who it.

Of this form, oque literature makes is to demonstrate the Real. Although this, literature, being criadapor human beings, could not deal with something that not it proper man and osaspectos of the reality encircles that it. Therefore, exactly a inteiramenteficcional history, will have its roots embedded in the Real, therefore if the world can serpercebido in many different ways, the human feelings is universal. It is as soon as are born the stories, the parts, the poetries, the romances and etc. is issoque allows in them to have contact with a workmanship of centuries, behind situated in distinct umacultura ours e, still thus, to occur the process: mimese catarse, described for Aristotle. Thus, before literature as we aconhecemos today, it had myths, still inside of the verbal tradition.