National Transitional Council

United States is with the Libyan people while it continues its way toward genuine democracy, Clinton says. Sarkozy has stressed the value of democracy as cohesive. There is interest in thawing the Libyan funds for reconstruction. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked that Thursday to the representatives of the Libyan national Council of transition (CNT) to protect stocks of weapons in the country, this Thursday according to us official sources. Clinton, who participated in Paris at the International Conference in support of Libya, referred both to the reserves are in the hands of the rebels as those belonging to militias of Colonel Muamar Gaddafi. The American representative considered in his remarks that the best way to help that country to undertake the transition to democracy, is to achieve reconciliation with Qadhafi’s forces. Also, put the accent in which this transition must be carried out with coordination between the National Transitional Council (CNT) and its international partners providing support.

Tracking closely United States is with the Libyan people while it continues its way toward genuine democracy, as it emphasized the State Department shortly before the Paris Summit. Sources of the Spanish Embassy in France present at this Summit were that he had put into evidence the need for a strong cooperation of the international community, in rrencia to the recognition of the CNT. On the same line, they added that it was also needed carry out a monitoring closely to reach a good destination because winning the war is not a guarantee to win the peace. Reconciliation and forgiveness for its part, the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, stressed the need to launch a process of reconciliation and forgiveness in Libya to not repeat the mistakes of the past, in the Summit organized in Paris for the reconstruction of the North African country. We can do nothing without peace and forgiveness, said Sarkozy at the start of the Conference press that closed the Summit which was attended by delegations from 60 countries and international organizations to express their support to the National Transitional Council (CNT). The French President advanced that one of the decisions taken by unanimity was the restoring Libyan assets that had been frozen by the international community to the regime of Colonel Muamar al-Gaddafi. Unlocking million.

in addition, countries participating in the Conference in Paris for international support to Libya announced the decisions taken at this meeting to allow unlocking immediately from $ 15 billion in support to the population of that country. The deviated money by (Colonel Muamar to the) Qaddafi and by its environment must return to the Libyans. All we are committed to unlock money from Libya in the past to finance the future of today Libya, said the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, at press conference, detailing to begin with that amount. In the joint statement that gathers the conclusions of This quote can be read in fact that need to put at the disposal of the CNT assets frozen pursuant to resolution of the UN Security Council agreed to allow the Libyan authorities cope with the needs of the population and to undertake no more take the effort to rebuild the country. Source of the news: Clinton calls on the Libyan rebels to protect stocks of weapons that remain in the country

Report Plan

There has been an unpunished sowing in the country with a view to the longed for explosion of colors. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jim Umpleby. The inactive government of, of indiligente, overturned to the nobility of humanistic intentions has sinned. He has let grow the puppy of white elephant that is the students to the day today, and which whiteness is arranged to push his against the wall of Miraflores. He has stopped exerting the defense, the intelligence of State, that also is practicable values human (politicians in this case), beyond innocence or the altruism, if to survive perfectly justifiable. The survival (as they do not have tapujos in demonstrating it to the powers allied with his world-wide looting present) does not request permission to live, tries the life; and he is unforgivable is not invoked when, being arrests to do it with morality, it is let pass the opportunity. (In this sense (defensive), although it is important, does not seem sufficient the sanction of the law that prevents the foreign financing to political tax exemptions if it is not accompanied with a work supervision offensive). The bolivariano Government has pardoned, called to conciliation, has pardoned, yielded unimaginably like no other taken by great dreams of humanity and humanism, but apparently at the same time he let never sin like ingenuous, in spite of for a fact knowing how to ingrate payment the Venezuelan political right from the coup d’etat of 2002 (to the call of reconciliation of Chvez they paid with oil unemployment).

While it let happen and do in noble honour towards the adverse one, this one never moved backwards in looking for the return to him the destabilization, as historically it corresponds with the contratico profile of this Filo’n of political phenomenology. Nevertheless the advances of this competing sector with their Revolution White Hands by Venezuela, dgase that there in Miraflores he is the President of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, with a popular support superior to 50%, always with the capacity for the reaction and rectification. One trusts which he himself it says like political strategist, that one is not due to undervalue more to the adversary by brinza of straw than it seems in the wind. And it thus has to be, because behind a simple leaf of oak shown by the window always the mass of the stem will be suggested supports that it.


Methods help to find a common language of it professionals and business management, is a visual tool to assess the contribution of it to the business result of the firm. rej methodology is currently the most complicated and complex tool for assessing the project implementation of it solutions. But it can not effectively assess the projects have an it infrastructure in general. Information Economy (Information Economics, IE) is a qualitative methodology for assessing it project or portfolio. It involves compiling a list of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the project and its analysis in terms of the potential benefits that the project should bring to the company.

In practice, this happens that way. Organized a working group to assess the effectiveness of IT-projects proposed for implementation. This group consists of employees of it services, business and risk managers. It produces 10 major factors determining the potential effectiveness of the proposed project. After that happens estimate the relative importance of each factor to the main business processes (the pros) and risk assessment for each of the factors (“Cons”). The result of the evaluation process will be rating the project in terms of its importance to key business processes of the firm.

In the case of ie techniques to the portfolio of projects or select options for implementing a particular project comparing IE-rating would allow the objective to select the best option. System performance it (Balanced it Scorecard, BITS) is a development methodology bsc in the direction of greater applicability for the companies, key business processes which dependent on information technology. In fact, the only change in this methodology, compared with bsc, is a more formalized performance of the analyzed process. As such performance technique bits recommends the following four: assistance in business development company; improving service for both internal and external customers; improving the quality of decision-making; Increased productivity. Range of application techniques bits is virtually identical to those for the bsc. Perhaps the most effective way bits technique can be applied to the analysis of a service it services enterprise. In this article we present is not an exhaustive review of methodologies for evaluating it, each of which is in demand, developing and improving the working groups and committees, which include experts in finance, Management and it. These techniques provide efficient algorithms, based on best management practices. The application of these algorithms allows it projects align with business goals of the enterprise. Assess economic feasibility of it projects can and should be. What are the methods used will depend on the individual enterprise, training managers, and so on.

Felipe Alaiz

FELIPE PABLO ALAIZ (1887-1959) in our debates emerges as celestial appeal the cult of heroism. However, all our victories have been achieved by joint activity, in which the heroic sacrifice of anyone, did not lack but the solidarity of all. Felipe Alaiz. THE voice ignored by the history of the literature Spanish Felipe Alaiz has been the writer most relevant of the libertarian movement, editor of the Sun, founder of the magazine of Aragon, Aragon, Los Galliots, land and freedom publications director, Solidaridad Obrera, Acracy, was also the first director of C.N.T., organ of the Committee national of the M.L.E.-C.N.T. in Franceappeared in Toulouse after the liberation, writer widely read in the years preceding the war, author of a large number of articles in multiple publications and numerous books, and with an important work as a translator, however, still the history of official literature of this country continues to ignore him. Felipe Alaiz de Pablo was born at Belver de Cinca, Huesca, on May 23, 1887 and died in Paris on April 8, 1959. Son of an infantry captain who participated in the war of Cuba, with few years moved to Albalate de Cinca, where his family was originating. He studied at Lleida, Huesca and Zaragoza and from an early age he devoted himself to journalism, collaborating on several publications Aragonese as journal of Huesca, Heraldo de Aragon, El Ebro, El Ideal de Aragon, Tierra aragonesa, Aragon, which became director and in 1919 he founded the Revista de Aragon.

In the collaborations of this period reveals his admiration for Joaquin Costa and some vindictive aragonesismo. Invited by Ortega y Gasset starts his collaborations in the newspaper El Sol of Madrid under the Aragonese topics title. Shortly afterwards surrendered completely to the libertarian movement, being pursued by their articles by those who suffered all kinds of villanias, as countless penalties, detentions in prisons, etc., libertarian commitment that would not finish more than with his death in exile.

FAOV Income

Financing of housing policy with their own banking resources. For financing with own resources of banking, residential direct grants will not be awarded. Arrangements for loans of housing policy with their own banking resources. Below we show the conditions of these bank loans: level of care according to income relative capacity of borrowing rate annual term in years % financial fee level (I) assistance to Bs. 3674 42.556,00 1.40% 5 20% level II support from Bs. 3674 to Bs. 2.40% 71.298,00 4924 5 25% level III growth from Bs.

4924 to Bs. For more information see this site: Jim Umpleby. 2.40% 88.611,00 6120 5 25% mode: Large level of care according to family income capacity of borrowing rate annual term in years % financial quota level I assistance to Bs. 3674 82.237,00 1,40% 10 20% level II support from Bs. 3674 to Bs. 4924 110.222,00 1,40% 10 20% level III growth from Bs. 4924 to Bs. 2.40% 130.468,00 6120 10 20% mode: self-construction level of care according to family income capacity Borrowing rate annual term in years % financial quota level (I) assistance to Bs.

3674 119.237,00 1,40% 15 20% level II support from Bs. 3674 to Bs. 4222 127.374,00 4.66% 15 20% level III growth from Bs. 4222 to Bs. 6120 158.304,00 4.66% 15 20% for the purposes of the submission of documentation for processing loans with their own banking resourcesshall take into account all the requirements established for the modalities of loan FAOV. Within these requirements, we find that applicants must submit identity card, payroll or certificate where demonstrate revenue, warranty documents, budgets of works, be fee-paying asset in the system of housing policy with a minimum of twelve contributions, the monthly income of the family unit will be of five minimum wages, main house, proof of residence certificatecertificate, certificate of liens, Chronogram of execution of the work to perform, planes and construction, proof of work permits, States of Bank accounts, etc.

Entrepreneurs Marketing

To answer the question above, will mention two reasons why the majority of networkers suffer to achieve success. They are: 1. your. What you do and what you cannot do. Your state of mind and your effective and consistent actions or, simply, the absence of them. Who are you? What is the purpose of your life? Where are you going? What are your goals? You’ve set your goals? 2. Your education, training, information, strategies, and tactics that you use method.

Still to whom? Who are they learning? The majority of entrepreneurs in this industry begins to develop in this industry by emotion, not out of conviction, attracted by checks of large numbers that your sponsor or upline told him that he could win. Network marketing is a business that you have to do by conviction to you must have conviction? Network marketing is an industry of people, not numbers. It is an industry of giving teaching and mentoring. Give, rather than receive. You must be willing to serve others with joy and enthusiasm. You must be willing to help others succeed. Just so you can succeed.

Why you need to have conviction. You must convince yourself that this is what you really want. Of these willing to serve others without thinking of receive. When your you act this way, the reward comes. I can assure you. Remember this: If you want to receive money, you must learn to give money. You must be willing to give money. Give money means, among other things, help others to get it. Everything that your beams back to you multiplied. If you ensenas someone to work hard to earn a dollar, you will also have to work hard to earn you him. It is the law of giving and receiving. What you give back to you multiplied. It is therefore essential that you educate you, that you capacites appropriately. On the other hand, the conviction date determination of advance, pass all the obstacles that may arise. Gives you strength in your walk. It gives you willingness to learn and get properly trained. It allows you to open your mind to new things, new strategies, new knowledge, which is really necessary for you to teach your followers. Everything you wear, you attract it. If you expand conviction in what you do, then you attract people with conviction in what he does. These are the people that you need to form a solid, duplicable and consistent organization. That is how to work smart, effectively and productively. Why I consider it essential to have conviction to succeed in this industry of network marketing. That is the first step to success in the network marketing industry. Without conviction, there is no business. Through network business in action help you to discover your mental state, to determine whether the network marketing is your passion, gives you guidelines so that you can establish your goals visit my web page: original author and source of the article.


If you count the interest on the part of lawyers – Caption his advertisement: "Wanted lawyers'. 14. Use the words in the title such as 'breakthrough', 'revolution' revolutionary invention in the field of alarm systems offer a revolutionary new doctor formula against baldness only lawyers can provide a breakthrough in affairs firms 'Breakthrough' – it's novelty. With these words the associated idea that your product or service better than others. A similar effect is achieved by the words 'revolutionary' or 'record'. 15. The header should rotate between uppercase and lowercase HEADLINE letter, written only in CAPITAL LETTERS, READING BAD If headers are used as uppercase and lowercase letters, it is EASY READ obviously, is not it? 16. In the title should be as many words as you need floats! How often have you had to say: 'No, I have not read, I was just going! " Who has not bought beautiful furniture? Titles can be long and short.

As soon as they attract the attention of your audience, arouse her interest, encourage people to read text ads – the number of words can be anything. Of course, the extra words are not needed. But limiting yourself without too should not be. 17. Highlight the main Shirts 'Arrow' with 50% discount on oil change. Discount subscription for six months. The remaining six months – it's free! In order for your ad to work, as clearly as possible to describe how your proposal is unique, why your product is definitely better products proposed by others.

Web Hosting and Design

I think that there is no user World Wide Web, which, though not for a moment thought about the prospect of creating his own site. And of course, mentally as if by magic got a page of their dreams with original and memorable designs and thousands of enthusiastic visitors. But the harsh reality can easily remind yourself of the necessary for all this beauty expertise html, css, php and the prospect of disappearing from the horizon, so plainly, and not crystallized into something sensible. My site building castles in the air, for example, appeared before his eyes every time on the screen appeared a tempting advertisement or article about a simple and effective earnings on its website. But alas, they broke every time a simple recollection of the fact that most of my opportunities for web design is limited to bold text tag with the ability to highlight it in red or yellow. Howard Schultz may help you with your research. Not that anything at all, because I even know the word 'tag', but few will agree, a little crazy.

Of course, for the above-described dreamer (for me as well) established a virtual services, offering expert help, but not all are willing to pay real coin for intangible adventures, and so continue (if you continue to) look for other options. For example, with free hosting which offers a ready-made designs, free space, and other pleasures. Although such services in Internet uncommon, and each promises to always create a fully functioning site in two mouse clicks, with them always something going on. That obscures half of the advertising pages, the control panel is similar to maze without the possibility to roll back the extra change, the site drops sharply and lies, lies, lies. In general, magic and free enough in my life, but it sometimes occurs and it is wonderful. So one day my castles in the air ceased to be the air.

Dating Sites

In recent years, dating sites filled crooks. Using anonymity as they devise schemes which allow to pump a significant amount. For example, a scheme known as the hero-lover type vysylakt expensive gift, for which third-party requests to pay for courier services. It is clear that no gift is not and will not, and the money goes into the unknown. A related site: Kevin Johnson mentions similar findings. In fall into the trap of both boys and girls alike. It’s believed that Jonas Samuelson sees a great future in this idea. Naturally when communicating on the Internet should be extremely careful with any proposal to pay for something in his head should light up red light.

But we all – men and may be mistaken. Especially when starting a romantic relationship. Sometimes develops impression that the real people on dating sites , although it is not so. Way to deal with crooks – one (this is if the police refuses to start it). Need to communicate with each other and report fraud. The quicker someone will report on the rogue and the resulting pattern of action, the sooner illegal activities will be terminated. One example – Andre Benua, acting under the scheme mentioned at the outset. One good man back in early March posted a warning on, and soon a lot of people got the opportunity to find the true face of someone who pretended to be a Frenchman on dating sites.

Unfortunately, not all the tested person, many have sent money, and only then aware of the situation. So welcome to our website in order to save your finances and mental health. Check the one who swears you in love with the second letter template, make sure that this is not a real person. Save your mental strength for the real people who really are waiting for you.