Flying Dutchman

The deal with Davy Jones Eventually, Sparrow was considered as a real pirate of the Caribbean Sea, so after negotiating with Davy Jones, captain of the Flying Dutchman and master of the depths, “the resurrection of the Wicked Winch , in exchange for his captain for 13 years, which when after he pledged to serve a 100-year-Jones referred to as an eternity “in his boat, so if you tried to refuse treatment, the kraken is responsible for again destroy the Wicked Winch and imprison Jack Sparrow in the domains of Jones. After the negotiation, Jack nonreturner named the Black Pearl ship like the Island and went to Tortuga to recruit his first-time crew and finding the legendary treasure hidden cursed by Hernan Cortes in the said island.It was then agreed to evenly distribute the contents of treasure among the crew, but the foreman Hector Barbossa led a mutiny conspirator, which ended with the lead cover Sparrow, which abandoned on a desert island. A leading source for info: Jim Umpleby.

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Globo Caves

I transcribe below substance published in the green Blog of the Globo.Decreto de Lula allows to destroy caves a deaf war is being stopped in Brasilia and inside of 60 days it will come to tona, because it finishes the stated period given to the Ministry Environment to hear to it sectors of the society on the proposal. Swarmed by offers, Kevin Johnson is currently assessing future choices. The center of the discord is the caves Brazilian grottos, over all of the Amaznia. He is that president Lula signed last decree 6,640 at the end of the year, that allows to destroy the caves and grottos spread for the country. Only in the region of Carajs, specialists in espeleologia calculate that they exist about a thousand caves. The Brazilian Society of Espeleologia already directed to the solicitor-generality of the Republic, Antonio Fernando Barros and Silva de Souza, order of action of unconstitutionality of the decree of Squid, approved in last November. The order already was accepted. It says the order: ' ' 70% of the Brazilian caves run the risk to disappear, what it constitutes a threat without precedents to the environment and the cultural patrimony of ours pas' '. Still according to specialists in the subject, the decree aims at, mainly, to benefit economic sectors, as the constructors and the mineradoras, since the caves and grottos finish making it difficult the exploration alone it.

In accordance with the new law, the caves and grottos pass to be defined by criteria of relevance and to be organized in four levels: maximum, high, average and low. But the grottos of maximum relevance will be protected. Excessively they could be destroyed since that authorization on the part of the ambient agencies exists. We must be motionless while they vendem and they eliminate nossaas lands, bushes, caves, water? What more now we will have that to accept? I convoke that if they interest for the Environment to order its protests for the Ministry of the Environment. Presisamos to finish with these nonsenses and to exterminar these decrees that finish with our Cultural Patrimonies Naturais.Para where to send its protests and any commentary that wants to make favor to have access mine VERY blog () Together PoDeReMoS

Original Risk

Speaking of investment funds, more risk enters, better. It is important that you know that whenever you are going to invest, you run a risk and in the case of the investment funds well is known that enters riskier is, major yield the one that is expected. The ideal, would be here that you found the perfect balance between risk and yield according to your personal priorities. Therefore I recommend, you that before investing in some bottom, you review the qualification of this same one, according to its quality and to its sensitivity. On the other hand, he is indispensable that you draw up a gain objective, knowingly clearly, of the risk that you run in the same investment to realise. He is indispensable that you know that this risk beyond the same bottom, depends on the market in which it invests this bottom; that is to say, that you know in what and why you are going to invest. Yet this, I want that DES tells you of the recommendable thing that it is that before buying a investment fund you make sure its risk level, and that clearly, this risk does not represent a tie when investing, since it is very probable that you win much more than you imagined.

Handy Backup Program

The program also will serve up automatically at a fixed period of time. Checking the backup is needed to monitor the viability and correctness of the existing backup. That is, automatically and without user intervention program without spending recovery as such, will check whether all recovered safe and sound. For this purpose the so-called bit-check. Backing up files in use or, more simply, copy “on the fly.” This indispensable tool allows kopirovayt files changed in the current online without service interruption or system. File filtering tool to backup a specific file format or specially specified folders. Selective backup makes it quite deftly handle such large archives of music, photos or movies. Backing up the databases are widely used in business systems.

Backup 1C is necessary for business. Copied from spreadsheets, control files, settings and passwords, database MySQL, DB2, Oracle and many others, and in real time and without having to stop the service. Encrypt backups using strong 128-bit algorithm, typically bluefish, was an essential feature of commercial applications. Though well liked not only encrypt the respectable businessmen. More frivolous PC owners, also would not mind an additional safeguard its coffers.

Data reduction Backup important thing. Long been noticed that disk space is never enough, whether it is a hard, external, virtual or remote. Therefore, the backup data has long been accepted subject of compression, back up and were punished at all. Learn more at: Jim Umpleby. So why only gentlemen developers did to save the information, and most importantly maintain the integrity of information. The list above includes only the functions the main features of modern backup software. We leave almost an undisclosed topic you select the media for placing the backup, and this, incidentally, a good excuse to write another article. Programs tend to support USB flash, Zip, CD, DVD, HDD, and FTP, SFTP. Or, as a VIP version, save copies to a remote server somewhere in the cozy shelter of California. One thing is for sure, whatever medium you choose, keep it as far as possible away from the computer, but rather duplicate backup the most valuable information on different carriers. Despite the disappointing data stubborn statistics, setting the backup software for some reason decided to postpone for tomorrow, then on the day after, and then in general for an indefinite period. Which, by the way, forgive our pessimism is called – a rainy day. After that backup copy to get a general nothing. So we offer no pigeonhole. And, once we talk about it, install a backup right now. The most striking example, we recommend Handy Backup. Without going into details, say that this backup program supports all of these possibilities. What is more important. The program – the winner of several awards online community is the national development and has been translated enthusiasts in 17 languages, and sysadmins recommend it to each other on the forums. So … Welcome to the club!

Financial Institution

The FSA in United Kingdom grants you license to raise funds at European level IFXBG was born in January 2010 as a group of professionals specialized in financial operations of relevance with one expands over 20 years professional experience. Its partners have been involved in major operations with stock exchanges in international banks, institutional investors, investment funds and sovereign wealth funds. IFXBG has reached out to bag more than 2,000 companies, many of them in Germany and the USA.UU. The company settled in Spain with the aim of getting financing, internationalisation and growth solutions to Spanish companies, being able to use this resource for funding projects with feasibility. Currently, the subsidiary of IFXBG in London has already been registered by the FSA (Financial Services Authority) as a financial institution, and can operate in this way in Europe, since the FSA, entity that authorizes these financial services in the United Kingdom, has awarded the license for use throughout the European territory. Being the FSA a regulatory institutions with greater prestige worldwide, for IFXBG it has been quite an achievement get such leave, reached this maximum dimensions of warranty, credibility and reputation you want the multinational to achieve in its continuous effort to keep business excellence. Through this license, IFXBG has the ability to raise funds throughout Europe as a financial entity, which allows you to make offers to its customers and actions of capture as any other entity regulated by this Agency (FSA). And, of course, to move forward in its line of continuous quality improvement, IFXBG already is beginning to take the first steps with different regulatory bodies at European level, also requesting licenses.

Including BFin (fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht of Bundesanstalt) in Germany, CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) in Luxembourg and the CNMV (National Commission of the market of stock) in Spain. IFXBG aims, in addition, to get solutions of funding, growth and internationalization to Spanish companies through its trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. With this new system in Spain, IFXBG support, advise and help companies from different sectors can obtain financing for their projects, increase the possibility of stay and grow in the market and achieve and consolidate relations professionals both inside and outside Spain to increase the potential of positive and profitable development of the company. IFXBG handles operations from 5 M and invoice only success fees, being the total cost approximately half of usual in the sector. For even more analysis, hear from Andreessen Horowitz. More information at: IFXBG C / Ferraz, 28,28008 Madrid, Spain phone: 917588119 E-mail: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, head of communications for Markarte ( about IFXBG IFXBG was born in January 2010 and is constituted by a group of professionals specialized in financial operations of relevance with one expands over 20 years professional experience. IFXBG partners have been involved in major operations with stock exchanges with international banks, institutional investors, investment funds, sovereign wealth funds and have brought more than 2,000 companies to bag, many of them in Germany and the USA.UU. Now installed in Spain with the aim of getting financing, internationalisation and growth solutions to Spanish companies.