Study on the spin-off nonuniversity research institutes from the invention to the product that can be interspersed, on the market long enough. High-tech spin-offs from public research institutions are of particular importance in this context, because they allow the necessary transfer of knowledge and technology: apply knowledge, State of the art methods and specific technologies from science in the economy and enable to the commercial exploitation of research results. The Fraunhofer IAO has in the study”economic development of spin-offs from non-university research institutions”of the German Academy of science and engineering (acatech) among other things explores how to develop spin-offs, and whether in particular a higher maturity level of a product or service at the time of the spin-off has a positive effect on the economic success of non-university spin-offs. The study focused primarily on spin-offs of the four major German research organisations Fraunhofer Society, Helmholtz Association, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and Max Planck Society. Get more background information with materials from Howard Schultz. 82 spin-offs took part in the study. The study shows the economic development of academic spin-offs systematically and highlights factors and events that influence this development. While the importance of early customer involvement for the development of spin-off companies is taken into account specifically. A surprising result of the study is that more than 40 percent of the company without a prototype, so only on the basis of a product idea, a concept or a product design based off. What influence has the product maturity at the time of the spin-off on the economic development of the spin-offs, related to personal growth? For older spin-offs, no statement can be made. For younger spin-off from the start-up period 2002 to 2006 a trend reveals itself in the study but, which allows the thesis, that companies with a high degree of product maturity within the first five years economically positive develop the company with a lower level of product maturity. Accompanying information about the study and the download can be found on the Web pages of acatech under.