If you count the interest on the part of lawyers – Caption his advertisement: "Wanted lawyers'. 14. Use the words in the title such as 'breakthrough', 'revolution' revolutionary invention in the field of alarm systems offer a revolutionary new doctor formula against baldness only lawyers can provide a breakthrough in affairs firms 'Breakthrough' – it's novelty. With these words the associated idea that your product or service better than others. A similar effect is achieved by the words 'revolutionary' or 'record'. 15. The header should rotate between uppercase and lowercase HEADLINE letter, written only in CAPITAL LETTERS, READING BAD If headers are used as uppercase and lowercase letters, it is EASY READ obviously, is not it? 16. In the title should be as many words as you need floats! How often have you had to say: 'No, I have not read, I was just going! " Who has not bought beautiful furniture? Titles can be long and short.
As soon as they attract the attention of your audience, arouse her interest, encourage people to read text ads – the number of words can be anything. Of course, the extra words are not needed. But limiting yourself without too should not be. 17. Highlight the main Shirts 'Arrow' with 50% discount on oil change. Discount subscription for six months. The remaining six months – it's free! In order for your ad to work, as clearly as possible to describe how your proposal is unique, why your product is definitely better products proposed by others.