99% of game development – it enormously resource-intensive (in the remaining percentage is riveting and nedopoluaddonov additions aka dalliance with a level editor, but there also needs money and man hours). Now the budget geymblokbasterov places very close to budget kinoblokbasterov – and, as in the movies are not always worth the effort paid off million-selling boxes. If you are not convinced, visit Howard Schultz. This topic is now wildly relevant. Developers – the same people, and also would not mind, where possible, reduce cash expenses. Therefore, the game studio attracted eminent sponsors and use in their advertising projects. And increasingly, advertising content is not content with simple a list of friendly companies listed when loading the game (it's fresh and old as the world), and integrated into the game, becoming a part of it – for example, a design element. Pitney Bowes often says this. In the West it is called the intelligent expression in-game advertising. About this tricky things we have today and we'll talk.
Of course, game advertising has its own laws. The justification and logic of the application, for example. As you can imagine the ads in the fantasy-world-type sorokatysyachnoy Vahi? Advertise on Rome: Total War? Or in the Art Deco BioShock? Obviously, speaking about the project with certain advertising content, we mean the game is set in the modern world. (At this point, I think there are exceptions (the kind advertised products, parody of the setting and the small scale – the so-called "Budget" product), but the essence remains the same.).