Archaeological Accompaniment

Mts of length presents 0,65×0,52. UE 06? Layer of chestnut coloration, little compacts, of arenaceous matrix. It presents little estratigrfica power, oscillating between 9-20 cm UE 07? Granite block of small dimension, located in the cut North (section NE). UE 08? Composed unit for geologic substratum (gross sand). UE 09? Two granticos blocks, rectangulares, guided N-S (cut North, section NW), which if finds associated knock down it assigned for UE 10. UE 10? It knocks down. Ceramic material, of construction (maioritariamente tegulae) deposited on UE 08, accusing one knocks down. Sounding 2 Aquando of the desmatao works and pickling in the zone of Rotunda 1 of Knot 1, it was detected, in one of the cuts of the slope, in the scope of the Archaeological Accompaniment of supplies cited Taken over on a contract basis, an archaeological structure, which if found material chronology associates archaeological Roman.

Located in the perimeter of the archaeological area assigned by Fifth of the Hollows, and being able the related structure to be associated to other existing ones, and previously identified aquando of the accomplishment of the archaeological sounding of diagnosis, 10×10 mts (Sond. 1), had decided the responsible Archaeologists for the Accompaniment to suspend the execution of any share in the related front of work. Signaled and forbidden the zone of occurrence of the form vestiges to preserve its integrity, it was, after meeting with the had intervening Entities, praised the accomplishment of a new sounding of evaluation, 6×6 mts, for understanding and crono-cultural framing of the vestiges. The sounding was implanted in the land, guided the North, in Linking 2 of Rotunda 1, having been that almost the totality of intervencionada area corresponds the rummaged ground levels, result of respeitantes interventions to the reformularization of the preexisting way and plantation of olival and came. In the continuation of the hollowing, carried through with resource the half manuals, were possible to observe the following estratigrafia: UE 01?