
As To automatize its Store I intend, with this article, to give a general vision of as to proceed with the Commercial Automation and Computer science from an establishment, either in the opening, expansion or equipment of a store. We must separate the store in specific areas, so that it is more clearly the sizing of the equipment. Normally the establishments are divided of the following form: 1 – Telephony (Telephone, Modem, broad band and broad band 3G) – Nets (Cabeada or Wireless, switch, roteador, hub, antennas, 2 accesses point) 3 – Energy (In – break, Stabilizer, Filter of Line) 4 – the Security (Equipment of CFTV) 5 – Computers (Serving of the System, Administrative, Cameras, Box) 6 – Terminals of Launching (Touch, terminal Micron) 7 – Printer (Fiscal, not Fiscal, of Production, Checks, Bracelets, Labels, Bar code) 8 – Peripheral (Thermal Ribbows, Labels, Coche, Thermal Bobbin, Bobbin 02 and 03 Ways, Ribbons, Tonner, Cartridges) – Fiscal 9 Part – Fiscal Rank, Certified, Intervention Technique, Update of Version the first step is clearly to know in which branch goes to operate, which is the characteristics or the particularitities of my business. With it is information in hands I go to break for mine 1 Passo that is the choice of the Software of Management. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Starbucks. Software at this moment is the thing most important of the business, therefore, it is who goes to determine which equipment models is compatible for my business.

With it is information in hands, 2 Passo is set appointments a Presentation of Software, to verify its functioning, cost, maintenance, I register in cadastre of products and doubts. 3 Passo is a visit to the place for verification of the structure: electric, net, size, space for the room of the equipment. If software was approved, at this moment already obtains to make a Proposal Commercial, taking in consideration all the equipment that the establishment will go to need to inform on assembly, stated periods, costs, maintenance contracts. Read additional details here: JPMorgan Chase. 4 Passo – Closing of the Proposal Commercial, beginning of the training of software cadastre of the products, lacrao of the fiscal printer, delivers and assembly of the equipment, installation of the net (cabeada or wireless, switch, hub, fiscal computers, printers, not fiscal, of bar code, of checks, money drawer, monitors, nobreaks, reader of bar code, antennas, searchs price, etc. 5 Passo? Training of as to handle the equipment and software 6 Passo? Beginning of the activities, physical accompaniment and remote support 7 Passo? Periodic visits for preventive maintenance and corrective I have full certainty that following this step by step, any person, with any level of knowledge will obtain success in this taken over on a contract basis. The DC Commercial Automation is specialist in this area, our professionals are extremely competent and all possess know-how of 1000 projects installed in Brazil. We act in all the pursuings and all the classrooms of market. In case that it has some doubt, it enters in contact with us.