Blogger Oliver Gassner Krisch

Social-media guru Stowe Boyd is already a few days after user login start Hello Hannover 2009 personalities from Germany and the United States have announced their participation. So, including Stowe Boyd, international expert on social media, will come on November 26, 2009 to Hannover. As a crossover from Congress and so-called UN Conference”the Hello Hannover 2009 integrated science, business and Web 2.0 scene on a common future Congress. So also the appearance of the keynote speaker and other officers to cover the entire spectrum of representatives from E-business and E-Commerce, media and the Web 2.0 scene in its bandwidth and encourage cross-sector dialogue. The commitment of well-known personalities from different areas proves the relevance of an event such as the Hello under the core theme of trends, developments and relevance for the future Internet”.

For example, Stowe Boyd as a speaker for the topic of social media was so”won. For even more opinions, read materials from Noble Group. The Americans is internationally recognized for its Work with social tools and their impact in the business world, the media and society. In recent years, Boyd worked with many entrepreneurs and users of social technologies, including XING (Hamburg), SchoolOfEverything (London) and My6Sense (Tel Aviv). Grimme-Award – winner Markus Beckedahl (, Jochen have among other things already in addition to Stowe Boyd Dirk Rahul village (head of E-business Continental AG), Handelsblatt journalist Thomas Knuwer, Sascha Lobo (prominent advertisers, bloggers and book author) as well as management coach and Blogger Oliver Gassner Krisch (E-Commerce expert, Director E-business Optaros), announced. Up to 1,000 participants are expected at the Hello Hannover 2009. The Hello is intended for audiences of the Hello Hannover 2009 E-business and E-Commerce responsible from companies, Internet service providers, journalists, entrepreneurs and startups, representative of the Web 2.0 scene, students of various departments and interested students in computer science projects from the n-21 Federation (schools on the network).

Important key data: event day: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 9: 00 to 19:00 venue: Hannover, conventioncenter on the fairgrounds costs: 199 euros (99 for limited quota. Students, professionals and participants from microenterprises can participate for free: sponsored by tickets’) the login to the Hello is possible under login. More information in the Newsroom: newsroom more to the concept of the event at: the concept about the Hello Hanover the Hello Hannover (#cch09) is a unique crossover of Congress and UN Conference. Held for the first time in October 2008, it achieved an exceptionally positive feedback among the approximately 300 participants with 93 percent approval for a repeat. The Hello Hanover sees itself as an open forum of – business and E-commerce leaders from companies, Internet providers, media professionals, representatives of the Web 2.0 scene, participants from science and research as well as the young from all areas. In this sense, it is so far unique in Germany.