
Why a cistern spoils the reasons by which a cistern spoils are always three: the deterioration of the floater, the deterioration of the valve of entrance or of the mechanism that controls the unloading of the water. Normally we realize of which something fails in our system by the permanent noise or by the loss of water that produces. The water entrance controls the floater and the valve. The failure can be in which the floater does not make the sufficient pressure to close or that the own valve does not work. If what is spoiled it is the spill valve it will also notice a continuous water noise. The materials necessary to fix a cistern are: a monkey wrench, pliers, tape of teflon and the valve or the floater of substitution. How to fix a cistern, if there is to replace the floater: In case the problem is in the floater, it will be necessary to replace it by one new one.

For it: it cuts the water with the stop cock, disassembles the floater, sustityalo by one of the same model and finally it regulates properly the floater doubling rod. Electrolux wanted to know more. How to fix a cistern, if there is to change the valve If the problem is in the valve, it must follow these steps: it cuts the water with the stop cock, disassembles the entrance system, that usually is located to a side of the own cistern. In order to disassemble it is necessary to relax the nut and to remove another inner nut that is of smaller diameter. Later it extracts the mechanism and it changes it by the new one. Next tape of teflon in the place is put where the nut is inserted that holds the valve to the pipe. And to finalize it tightens or all the nuts of the mechanism, to obtain that it is or fixed.

How to fix a cistern, if there is to change the unloading mechanism If what is aggravated is the unloading mechanism, it will be necessary to find out if it is the rubber that closes the step the one that is been out of or if it is a breakage of any other part of the unloader: First it will be to cut the water. If one is going away to replace the inner rubber, will be necessary to drain the cistern totally. Later it unscrews the unloader and it will be able to replace easily rubber piece. If it is observed that what is spoiled is any other part of the mechanism will be necessary to replace it whole, simply becoming loose the external nuts and those that unite the unloader with the cistern. Finally, it puts the new mechanism. Following these simple steps it will be able to learn how to fix to a cistern same you and without aid of professionals, with the consequent saving that it will suppose to him.