City Players

The Lamb was the trainer, technician, president and massagista, practically the owner of the official teams; Already he had ' ' hung chuteiras' ' , however the passion that nourished for the soccer made with that it, with great effort obtained to congregate the players in the field all the afternoons, after finished its daily drudgeries. Mining Chico with its talent made in such a way to grow the stimulaton of the part of the players, as of the part of Lamb and the torcedores. It was what novinho in leaf motivated then the Mayor of is Joo of the Araguaia to presentear the teams with the sponsorship of an equipment; Ball, shirts, shimstocks, stockings, chuteiras and even though air bomb to full the ball. From now on the first teams was established of Is Domingos of the Araguaia; The Cruise of Is Domingos. Lamb esteem its teams, treated as children to all the players, however a special treatment was excused to the mining Chico, that was treat with more affection and respect even though for the other players and sympathetical to the teams. When the Cruise had that to carry through games it are of the town, Lamb was always who headed line of people, torcedores and players who travelled the foot for the ways time for another shadings for the bush, route to the place of the game. Some loaded the material of the teams, others the supply of cachaa that it would be consumed in return, in the joy of the victory or the sadness of the defeat. All the players and torcedores divided between itself the moments of joy and sadness of the teams. This when one was about games in villages and neighboring towns. It plays when it was in moved away cities more, as it was the case of Marab, Great Heath, Palestine, Are Geraldo, Itupiranga and other more, the Lamb always gave a skill to obtain the old truck of the City hall, for the transport of the players and torcedores of the Cruise.