We can affirm that the right that but has evolved it is the codified right as the case of the Peruvian right civil, nevertheless, this always does not happen for example in the Peruvian right commercial, the right has evolved but in the branches of the commercial right that have followed the system legislative of the special laws, in such sense the commercial right has evolved but in the following branches: record or right exchange, right club, right stock-exchange, straight right of bankruptcies that now we know like competing right among others branches the commercial right. In addition it is necessary to need that at the time of legislating the codification only for the branches of the right is due to choose that are but developed, nevertheless, this does not mean that all the branches of the right that are but developed they find codified or they are due to codify, so that to arrive at the codification the right the sufficient thing must also evolve and so that at the time of legislating the codification it is a system to legislate like the system to legislate of the special laws. (Similarly see: Jim Umpleby). That is to say, the codification is a technique of to legislate that it does not have to be used in all the branches of the right, but only in some branches of the right. 7. Check out Andreessen Horowitz for additional information. CODIFICATION CLASSES The codification can be of two classes: partial codification and total codification.
The partial codification is when in a Code only one part of the branch of the regulated right is regulated. The total codification is when in a Code total and the branch of the regulated right is regulated completely. That is to say, that when in a branch the right is codified the code not always regulates all a branch of the right but some times it regulates all a branch of the right and other times it regulates only one part of a branch or institution of the right.