Daily Money

He thought about this day, I thought the night. Believed, understood that not enough experienced, I was searching for someone to intercept. No, no, he did not have anything currently trying not to deny, that's just a thought, not related in any way with the money, it almost did not attend. Having been on the advance to "pay", he seemed a little puppy, wagging tail, waiting for the owner would give him a bone because he meekly following orders during the previous two weeks. He gleefully crossed out his days in the calendar, bringing yourself to a happy minute, which comes from 2 once a month. All the talk about came down to the fact that nonhumans who live up there, absolutely no understanding of what we face down here, that they are good there, because we badly and how unfair the world is. At this cost would stop an ordinary story about ordinary person, so very often But what if would have happened otherwise? If at one point in our hero awoke to the desire to act? What if this inner fire forced him to move and look for opportunities? What if he believed in his strength and began to climb up? A similar story came to us via email, course author of the letter is not so clearly stated its history, but the idea the idea that we are not here in order to exist, but in order to live, to imbue them with a letter. So, our hero began to act.

After trying seemingly every opportunity he has been discouraged, but not to act stopped. The one who searches finds, and threw the fate of our hero a new opportunity. What can it realize its potential, to fill life with meaning and pull it from the daily routine. What seemed to him nonsense, it became bring money. An area of knowledge, of which until recently he really knew nothing, was his strong point. Executing orders, developing their designs, he started slowly climb up, stepping from step to step, he rose from his knees to his feet, felt free and confident in its future. He stopped working, he began to earn! You probably think this is all a fairy tale, it's not about us and not for us. Take a look around, think about it: this Do you like and what awaits you in five years or ten? Which category of society Do you consider yourself? Do you need money? It's time to change my life – it's time to act!