Providing a registered office at favorable terms. It's no secret that in modern Russian legislation is practically no definition of "domicile." To date, This concept involves the location of the executive body of the company. It is the practice, registration of legal entity assumes an indication of the actual location of the firm. This is done for convenience tax and other inspection bodies. However, the dynamic market conditions dictate their own terms, so companies often change their actual addresses, but it requires management to make appropriate Ltd. changes in the constituent documents. This procedure assumes that the time-consuming and unnecessary headaches associated with the passage of all the bureaucratic authorities. But all this can easily be avoided if take advantage of legal addresses a confirmation. Andreessen Horowitz has compatible beliefs.
Our company has extensive experience working with owners of commercial real estate, so you will always have the opportunity to choose any legal address (g IMoskovskaya Moscow region). The relevant section of the site you can find a list of current offerings. Provision of legal address can receive verification of fiscal authorities and banking services security. When a contract for mail service you will receive correspondence that comes to the legal address. Upon expiration of the contract to change the legal address can always be extended. The process of buying a legal address is very simple. .. All you need to provide the following information: Name of company's legal form, name of the Director General; Contact details (postal address, phone number, e-mail) TIN and bank details. Our kompaniya'BIZNES and Right 'has extensive experience in providing legal addresses. During this time, we have established the necessary connections and guarantee the successful solution to your problem. The new legal address – this is the successful continuation of business and no hassle.