To all us it has passed going out and receiving a pamphlet in hand. The formula of distribution in hand is of the more common forms of publicity distribution and than they have more difficulty. Normally when they speak to us of distribution in hand always we associated all type of advertising elements, bonds, pamphlets, plastic cards, printed flatteries, envelopes, samples, newspapers, magazines . At time of crisis this action of distribution in hand very frequently usually occurs in centers public, special events, places where great masses of people move. He is frequent also to observe like people once received the pamphlet, passed introduce it to meters in the first wastebasket who crosses itself in her way.
When it happens this we know that she was not a potential client. And in the occasions that this happens the effort is no the suitable answer. For this reason, at the time of realising this type of campaigns, the companies do a very meticulous analysis identifying their clients, and on the basis of it to realise in a site or another one the distribution in hand and if is not possible, to realise a buzoneo, distribution of publicity, distribution in hand, poming perching, buzoneo door door or a distribution of samples. We do not have to forget that all action direct marketing must be based on a directed strategy to secure the objective. The campaigns of distribution in hand, depend much on a structuring of the marketing campaign. The study of the sites has a very excellent importance where it is going away to come to this distribution.