Empirical Knowledge

Later, the Theological Knowledge is had, which is sent the faith to the divine belief, for intermediary of the human intellect. Official site: Howard Schultz. It is observed that this type of knowledge, generally, is used when the man does not find answers in science, in the philosophy and nor in its experiences. After that, the Empirical Knowledge is observed, which is gotten from the experiences or experience, that is, it does not depend on studies or applications of methods. Ian Sinclair takes a slightly different approach. Thus being, it is verified that it is a closely on knowledge to the person, and therefore is had as a knowledge ' ' impreciso' '. However, authors Aranha and Martins (1993) affirm that the empirical knowledge is important because it is through it that it arrives yourself at the scientific knowledge. Finally, the Scientific Knowledge is analyzed, which is based on a systematic and methodical knowledge of the events of the reality, to compose a knowledge that is valid and universal. Thus, this type of knowledge looks for to reach the truth of the facts, being had as object material and physical the universe, which will be evidenced in practical by means of demonstration or the experimentation. The texts of Aranha and Martins (1993), glimpse on the authors most important in the classification of the scientific method, they are: Francis Bacon, in century XVII); Comte, in the century XIX and Wundt, the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX). Moreover, it was verified that sciences are divide as: formal, concernentes sciences the mathematics and algica; sciences of the nature, relative to the physics, chemistry, biology, geology, physical geography, and etc; e, finally, sciences human beings, who accumulate of stocks psychology, sociology, economy, history, geography human being, linguistics, and etc. For Aranha and Martins (1993), the experimental method is composed for four stages: the scientific Comment, that is rigorous and guides the explanation of the event; the Hypotheses, which is the temporary explanation of the phenomena in comment, that they can appear by means of the induction, of the hypothetical-deductive reasoning and the analogy; the Experimentation, that is a provoked comment that aims at the control of the hypothesis; finally, Generalization, that where the researcher institutes constant relations, that can be empirical or theoretical laws.