Years computer security has been taking increasingly more prominence in all areas: business, personal or household and, of course, Government. This growing importance has provided breakthroughs in perimeter security primarily through sophisticated firewalls, intrusion prevention and detection systems, constant monitoring of the network, better servers secure, etc. In recent times, and due to the mentioned improvements in the field of perimeter security, cybercrime has been oriented towards the weaker party: the user of the system. And how come these attackers to the user? The most common tracks, among others, are the following:-email: many of us have received any mail, say, suspect, which annexed us a still more suspicious file and we kindly invited to open it. Or in other cases, included us a link that in the that I had to click to get fabulous discounts or access areas premium of more varied services. -Websites (phishing): equally well known are the websites that mimic other real (for example, in imitation of our Bank’s website). In many cases, unless we look at certain page details which we can give clues that this is a bad copy, can fall into the trap and thinking that you it’s the real page, so the attacker will have done with our user credentials. -Vulnerabilities or exploits web browser: no browser seems to be free of weaknesses of security which are discovered every month throughout the planet.
The problem in this case is that the solution is almost always reactive, i.e., the manufacturer of the browser offers us a patch or update thereof when the vulnerability is already known for a remarkable number of people. In the time between which the vulnerability has been made public and the user installs the patch that fixes it, the system will be in serious danger of being compromised by an attacker. -ActiveX controls: on certain occasions, when we browse over Internet, appears to us a message requesting our permission to run small programs in our own team, as a prerequisite to continue with our activities on the web page in which we find ourselves.