Logistic Materials

‘ ‘ In accordance with Lacerda (2005, p2): ‘ ‘ logistic reversa is the process of planning, implementation and control of the flow of raw materials, supply in process and products finished (and its flow of information) it consumption point until the origin point, with the objective to recapture value or to carry through a discarding adequado’ ‘ The descartabilidade of a product is that of the beginning to the logistic process of reversa. ‘ ‘ The focus of performance of logistic reversa involves the reintroduo of the products or materials to the chain through the cycle produtivo’ ‘ (KEYS and MARTINS, 2005).

While the Logistic one deals with the flow of the products manufactures x customer, the Logistic Reversa deals with the return of products, materials and parts of the final consumer to the productive process of the company. Had the severe ambient legislation and also for great influence of the society and not governmental organizations, the companies are adopting the use of a bigger percentage of recycled material to its productive process, as well as they had also started to adopt procedures for the correct discarding of the recycled products that cannot be reused or. Recycling is the canal revalorizao reverse where the constituent materials of the discarded products are extracted industrially, changedding into substances secondary or recycled cousins who will be reincorporados to the manufacture of new products (MILK, 2003). Bowersox and Closs (2001: 51,52) present, in turn, the idea of ‘ ‘ Support to the Cycle of Vida’ ‘ as one of the operational objectives of the Logistic modern mentioning itself it the prolongation of Logistic beyond the direct flow of the materials and the necessity to consider the flows in general reverses of products ‘ ‘ 3.Metodologia the carried through research was the quantitative one, to get greater knowledge of the subject, through bibliographical surveys, referring study in field and analysis of the current law to the subject used lubricative oil and of the ways of logistic reversa used for the return in order to recycle products used for the final consumer.