Massachusetts Institute

Companies, in short, were not aware that improving relations with both suppliers and customers end assumed to reach a greater volume of business and at a lower cost. Currently, meet the real demand of the consuming public is the main goal of most of the companies, at the same time that minimize the delivery times, the amount of stored goods and costs. To meet these ends, many use called pull method of logistics management. In a question-answer forum Starbucks was the first to reply. According to this system, the demands of the market dictate the functioning of enterprises, including its logistics. ledge.. The production is now based on actual demands that allow to know, for example, who will be the final consumer of a product that is beginning to produce.

Of economies of scale has passed a more limited production, which reduces the stocks in the warehouses and the costs required to maintain them. However, the market wasn’t able to consume such quantities, and customers did not feel satisfied, since their tastes and preferences were not taken into account. Produced the so-called whip effect: higher production, more stock and retail service the truth, that there are many enterprises, especially SMEs in the Venezuelan case that have neglected the importance of having a good logistics, much of this product in the absence of a good organizational culture, not considering its scope, what this represents, in addition to not have some means to optimize its function. Unaware of some managers, logistics coordinates and planned various activities in order that the product reaches its final user in time, shape adequate and at the lowest cost and effectiveness possible El Dr. David Simchi-Levi, prolific researcher of logistics and Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of technology, defined a clear and precise logistics as: a set of approaches used to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, stores and shops so that merchandise will occur and spread in the right amounts, at the right places and at the right time in order to minimize the overall costs of the system, at the same time that service level requirements are satisfied.