To invest to the public resources ' ' in pessoas' ' , guaranteeing that all have an average access the education; conjuncturally to compensate the effect of the technological and economic revolution and Instrumentalizar the economic policy, more than what to continue it or compens-la.' ' This proposal is extended for the PCN? s that defends that if it does not have to teach knowledge for the knowledge, and yes to become the pupil capable to act with citizenship and social political participation in the society, thus guaranteeing the formation of quality waited in the basic formation of the pupil, however we will reflect to it on the current picture of the basic formation, still has if summarized the knowledge without it practises. Already the Decennial Plan of Educao (PDE) is a document elaborated in 1993 for the Ministry of Educao (MEC) destined to fulfill, in ten years the resolutions of the World-wide Conference of Education For All and are the lines of direction of the government directed toward the restoration of the quality of basic education in the country. Its main goals are: To satisfy the basic necessities of learning of the children, young and adults, providing the basic abilities required to them for the participation in the economic, social life, cultural politics and of the country, especially the necessities of the world of the work; Universalizar, with fairness, the chances to reach and to keep appropriate levels of learning and development; To extend the ways and the reach of the basic education; To favor an adequate environment to the learning; To fortify the institucional spaces of agreements, partnerships and commitment; To develop the financial resources for maintenance and investments in the quality of the basic education, conferring bigger efficiency and fairness in its distribution and application; To establish ampler and qualified canals of cooperation and educational and cultural interchange of bilateral, multilateral character and internacional' ' (MENEZES, 2010). .