SeeTec Enterprise

The authorization for individual doors on specific time ranges can be restricted for visitors and foreign staff. Set to clear: the access control manager INTUS ACM40. As a new access control manager, ACM40 the INTUS presents PCS at CeBIT, which replaces the previous model INTUS ACM4. The INTUS ACM40 has a significantly more powerful CPU, which roughly tenfold the speed when downloading from master data compared to the previous model. Of course also the INTUS ACM40 owns the PC standard related security features such as integrated firewall, AES encryption and hierarchical (3 step) password protection. In addition, the INTUS ACM40 now available in the standard with a bistable relay for the secure connection is one Intrusion reporting system.

Video surveillance with CONVISION: easier to operate with the latest technologies. With video surveillance, PCS for the CONVISION product family shows new solutions, which offer the user more comfort and more functionality. CONVISION H. 264-cameras and encoders in the coming release of the market-leading video surveillance solution SeeTec Enterprise supported. This release is available from around April 2010.

CONVISION can be supplied from a single PC cameras, encoders and SeeTec enterprise software for video surveillance, license plate recognition and video analysis. For the so-called video documentation video surveillance in an access control system is integrated in the new version 3.4 of the solution allows DEXICON enterprise, depending on room and time models to define video profiles. Depending on the degree of risk of a room or to certain times of day and night images can in case of an alarm are recorded and redirected. OPC support. For the integration of The involvement of a parent control or building management system solutions is access control systems and CCTV at large companies. With the new DEXICON OPC server to the access control system are connected DEXICON enterprise to all control systems which have an OPC-DA – interface and provides status such as door condition, door release conditions or terminal connection conditions. In the reverse direction, DEXICON takes control instructions from the control desk system contrary to via the OPC interface for the single door release or permanent release.