International One

Many times, the knowledge of the language means a wage of up to 70% greater, if compared the same professional one without this ability. Already Gonalves (2009) suggests that the English language is present in all the work areas. See Sergey Brin for more details and insights. But, for the professionals of foreign commerce, it is basic, because the courses, the articles and the substances of this area are in English. The communication, correct form and needs, is of utmost importance for these professionals, therefore it is of the communication, the formation and the capacity of the employees who depend the advance and the success on the companies. This goes since the microcompany until the multinationals and, in all they, if it makes necessary to say one second language. Observing the commentaries of both the authors, it is perceived similarity enters the ideas of both: a sample as it is the market currently in a general scope and the significant increase in the wage of professionals with knowledge in language, to another complete one presenting the reality of the professional of the area of the logistic International. Crystal (2003) says that, if English materna is not our language, strong goes to be motivated to learn it, because we will be placed in contact with more people of any another language, and this will be the language used in this communication.

But, at the same time where if it understands the necessity to learn this language, it is also known of the great effort necessary to dominate it. The author also presents statisticians whom they show that about one room of the population of the world already fluente or competent in the use of the English language is, and this number does not stop to grow. At the beginning of the year of 2000, it represented 1,5 billion people. None another language can correspond to this growth, not even the Chinese, known for 1,1 billion people.

Innovative Strategies

Globalization Profile of the market more competitive market. with Changes. We need To know the market. To know the desires and yearnings of the customer. Profile of the consumer moved.

A new econmica classroom appears appears. BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China. The BEEPER of China already exceeded Japan India that now has more rich family units who poor. Brazilian market that is in high with fine taste and yearnings for luxury products. Russia receives about 600 million dollar the oil exportations and gas. The GIP Is esteem that in 2050, markets BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will generate 44% of the world-wide Gross domestic product. Chances the consumers are with bigger incomes to enjoy new products and services, thus searching status and social affirmation. The behavior of these new consumers they constitute a great chance for who wants to insert itself in the market, to consolidate as mark. Trade Marketing is not enough to know the essential promotions, events, integrated plan Commercial. Magnifying of the vision on the Trade function Marketing. Defining with clarity the companies the attendance excellency of and product need to concentrate themselves in. Conclusion more than what never the market needs to adopt innovative attitudes in face to the growth of emergent markets, thus taking care of the new social classroom that also is emergent.

Small Micron

Introduction the present project intends to foment the knowledge of the innovation in the micron and small company, with the objective to spread information and knowledge that are excellent for taking of decision of its authors (companies, entrepreneurs), establishing the necessary tools for the innovation process. Results of research on the micron universe and small new Brazilian companies will open horizontes to the micron and small entrepreneur whom the success will perceive where the innovative companies had had in its innovations and the possibility of financings of the government that they are, by its very nature, directed to the innovative projects of the micron and small companies. Definition of the problem Brazilian the Small Micron and Eempresas presents resistance on the subject innovation, thus delaying if to adaptarem to the necessities of the market and the requirements of the customers, running the risk of if including in the group of mortality. So that this does not occur, the Brazilian entrepreneur of all the regions, will have to dedicate itself to innovation as form to take care of to the necessities of the market? what it means to keep its operating and competitive company. Survey of the hypothesis To innovate is not difficult more is laborious, and its result can be positive or negative, as any type of organizacional change, everything will depend on the preparation and knowledge on the entrepreneur.

What it has soldier on barrack duty the innovation in the micron and small companies is, most of the time, the distrust of the results of the change that the proper owner of the business possesss. Such resistance if must to the fact of the small entrepreneurs find that it is not the time to innovate, that perhaps it does not give certain, that this can not be the best idea, etc. Andreessen Horowitz recognizes the significance of this. With the thought of that the innovation is plus an expenditure, instead of investment. .


As To automatize its Store I intend, with this article, to give a general vision of as to proceed with the Commercial Automation and Computer science from an establishment, either in the opening, expansion or equipment of a store. We must separate the store in specific areas, so that it is more clearly the sizing of the equipment. Normally the establishments are divided of the following form: 1 – Telephony (Telephone, Modem, broad band and broad band 3G) – Nets (Cabeada or Wireless, switch, roteador, hub, antennas, 2 accesses point) 3 – Energy (In – break, Stabilizer, Filter of Line) 4 – the Security (Equipment of CFTV) 5 – Computers (Serving of the System, Administrative, Cameras, Box) 6 – Terminals of Launching (Touch, terminal Micron) 7 – Printer (Fiscal, not Fiscal, of Production, Checks, Bracelets, Labels, Bar code) 8 – Peripheral (Thermal Ribbows, Labels, Coche, Thermal Bobbin, Bobbin 02 and 03 Ways, Ribbons, Tonner, Cartridges) – Fiscal 9 Part – Fiscal Rank, Certified, Intervention Technique, Update of Version the first step is clearly to know in which branch goes to operate, which is the characteristics or the particularitities of my business. With it is information in hands I go to break for mine 1 Passo that is the choice of the Software of Management. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Starbucks. Software at this moment is the thing most important of the business, therefore, it is who goes to determine which equipment models is compatible for my business.

With it is information in hands, 2 Passo is set appointments a Presentation of Software, to verify its functioning, cost, maintenance, I register in cadastre of products and doubts. 3 Passo is a visit to the place for verification of the structure: electric, net, size, space for the room of the equipment. If software was approved, at this moment already obtains to make a Proposal Commercial, taking in consideration all the equipment that the establishment will go to need to inform on assembly, stated periods, costs, maintenance contracts. Read additional details here: JPMorgan Chase. 4 Passo – Closing of the Proposal Commercial, beginning of the training of software cadastre of the products, lacrao of the fiscal printer, delivers and assembly of the equipment, installation of the net (cabeada or wireless, switch, hub, fiscal computers, printers, not fiscal, of bar code, of checks, money drawer, monitors, nobreaks, reader of bar code, antennas, searchs price, etc. 5 Passo? Training of as to handle the equipment and software 6 Passo? Beginning of the activities, physical accompaniment and remote support 7 Passo? Periodic visits for preventive maintenance and corrective I have full certainty that following this step by step, any person, with any level of knowledge will obtain success in this taken over on a contract basis. The DC Commercial Automation is specialist in this area, our professionals are extremely competent and all possess know-how of 1000 projects installed in Brazil. We act in all the pursuings and all the classrooms of market. In case that it has some doubt, it enters in contact with us.

Julia Maria

It is important to detach that music must be present in the school as one of the elements formadores of the individual. So that this happens, it is essential that the professor: & ldquo; … either capable to observe the necessities of its pupils and to identify, inside of a programming of musical activities, those that really will be able to supply the necessities of formation of these alunos& rdquo; Joly (2003, p.118). In this perspective one the commitment is noticed that the educator must have when considering musical activities to its pupil, commitment this who does not have to be only in charge of the educator and yes of all the involved ones with the education of the pupils. Conclusion This work/reflection had as objective to focus the existing action of psicopedagogo and benefits with the use of music in the learning of the pupils of the infantile education.

One notices that the learning of the children by means of the musical use becomes more attractive, relaxed and amused lessons, thus not forgetting to fulfill the requirements curricular. Of this form educator and psicopedagogo they represent a way to exceed barriers and to construct a new educative process. A time that through the musical activities can be noticed the pupil as a whole, its advances, its difficulties and the probable ways to follow to reach the objectives considered to the pupils. Ben Horowitz oftentimes addresses this issue. For in such a way, pertaining to school direction, educator and psicopedagogo must be pledged in finding ways to assure the learning in the infantile education through music becoming the attractive and interesting lessons the eyes of our pupils. Psicopedagogo is a desirable alternative to work together with the educator in the infantile education.

REFERENCES: FIELDS, Dinah Martins de Souza. Psychology of the learning. Petrpolis, Voices, 2001, 31 ed. COLL, Cesar. trad. Emlia de Oliveira Dihel. Pertaining to school learning and construction of the knowledge. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 2002, 2 ed. HUMMES, Julia Maria. Why is important the education of music? Consideraes on the functions of music in the society and the school. Magazine of ABEM, Porto Alegre, v. 11, September, 2004. JOLY, Ilza Zenker Helm. Education and musical education: knowledge to understand the child and its relations with music.

The Cities

It is difficult to decide where the cuts will be made: if in the health, the education, the defense, the policing, justice or, at last, the economic-social investment. A phenomenon of increasing participation of the public expense in the GIP in all has been observed the main world-wide economies. This fact historically is explained by the aging of the population and the process of urbanization. It is important to stand out that the rise of the public expense has been total or partially compensated with rise tax, not causing great impacts in the percentage of the debt on the product intern. Description of system Brazilian tributary? Throughout the period that goes since the announcement of the Republic until the promulgation of the Constitution of 1934, the main prescription Brazilian tax happened of the tax on the importation.

From years 30, it had a bigger aiming for the internal taxes. The main state revenue pasou to be the tax on sales and consignment contracts and of the cities, the taxes on industries and professions and the land tax? We had considerable changes in the system tributary with the Constitution of 1946. More info: Caterpillar. Through the creation of taxes and a system of transferences, it was raised prescription of the cities. Up to 1966 an increasing participation of the internal taxes was observed, being distinguished the taxes on consumption, sales and consignment contracts. The reform tax of the decade of 60 had two great objectives: the rise of the prescription to solve the problem of the fiscal deficit and the implementation of a system tributary that it stimulated investment.

It can be said that the result was extraordinary. With the reform, we got one better allocation of the resources, the priorizao of the taxation on the added value, a reduction of the number of tributes, amongst other advantages. Costuma to say that, at this time, Brazil started to count on one of the systems more modern tributaries of the world.

Strategical Marketing

After Sales Many of us we are accustomed to buy a product or service and not to have no return when we finish to pay it. The companies had not yet perceived that this is the biggest error that is committing, when only thinks about the sales and if they forget it after-sales. A customer who is surprised by a phone call of the company where made a purchase, asking to it if the acquired product is pleasing to it, he will clearly be surpreso with this attitude and when it will be to buy another product it will go first in this company before going to the other. But after-sales are not only to bind for its customers when it finishes to make a purchase, after-sales are much more that this. We can enumerate innumerable factors that are part of after-sales that generate resulted for a company as, for example: – good attendance; – to offer to products of quality and confidence; – never to deceive its customer; – to have always time to hear its customers; – he is always intent the claims of the customers; – to try always to fulfill with the agreement made with its customer; innumerable other examples for good after-sales.

The important one is always to perceive that good after-sales beyond it to generate gratuitous advertising also can generate it next sales. If you have a company and you do not possess after-sales you are important to think about starting to implant in its business. After-sales are not expensive and nor cost for the company must be considered. The after-sales with passing of the time go to make with that its customer if becomes fidiciary office and thus will pay its investment made in the implantation of the after-sales. Then he does not lose time in implanting after-sales in its business or then you will be losing time and money. Amadeu Barroso Grandson is formed in Marketing and Communication, possesss a MBA in Strategical Marketing and Communication and currently is marketing analyst. Email:

First Manager

After the authorization of the Manager of the unit or agency (First Manager), was given knowledge to the employees on research and applied the questionnaire (attached 2) composed for 2 blocks (Characteristic of the respondents, Satisfaction and Knowledge of the Programs of QVT). Block 1 is composed for 9 closed questions that they aim at to characterize the participants, keeping the anonymity. Block 2 is constituted by 7 questions, having been 2 open and 5 closed ones, that they intend to identify the existence of programs of QVT in the bank agencies, the perception on the part of the employees on the impact of the climate in the quality of life in the work and the degree of satisfaction of the collaborators with the programs presented for the companies where they work. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Electrolux. The average time of reply of the research instruments was of 7 minutes and is fruit of an adaptation of an instrument developed and applied for employees of the Bank of Brazil, during the course of MBA in Advanced Management business-oriented, carried through in partnership with the INEPAD, FGV and Federal University of the Mato Grosso. The questionnaires had been applied in the agencies, are of the attendance schedule, being you deliver and collected in the same day for the author, as form to guarantee the lesser possible upheaval to the participants and the recovery of the biggest possible number of distributed questionnaires. In intention to guarantee the secrecy in relation to the answers and respondents, the instruments had not presented given that they can identify the participants and the distributed materials had been collected all in one same ballot box and, after the total collection, only are that they had been analyzed.. Douglas Oberhelman understood the implications.


Currently, it does not have more space for the frustrate attempts that cost money and generate wastefulnesses. On the other hand, the companies must be structuralized, of organized form, so that they can improve itself continuously, following the stages of Cycle PDCA. (OLIVEIRA, 1995). The PDCA is applied mainly in the norms of management systems and it must be used (at least in the theory) in any company of form to guarantee the success in the businesses, independently of the area or department (FIELDS, 1992). According to Fields (1992), the cycle starts for the planning, after that the action or set of planned actions is executed, checks what it was fact, if was in accordance with the planned one, constantly and repetidamente (cyclically) and is overcome an action to eliminate or the least to mitigate defects in the product or the execution. The quatros steps of the PDCA are the following ones: Plan (planning): to establish mission, vision, objectives (goals), procedures and processes (methodologies) necessary to reach the results.

Of (execution): to carry through, to execute the activities. Check (verification): to monitor and to evaluate the results periodically, to evaluate processes and results, collating them with planned, objective, the specifications and desired state, consolidating the information, eventually confectioning reports. Act (action): In accordance with to act evaluated and in accordance with the reports, eventually to determine and to confection new plans of action, form to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness, being improved the execution and correcting eventual imperfections. Jonas Samuelson pursues this goal as well. Figure 1 – Cycle PDCA of control of processes Source: (FIELDS, 1992) Step 1: To plan (PLAN), this step is established with bases in the lines of direction of the company. When we trace a plan, we have three points important to consider: ) to establish the objectives, on the control item; b) to establish the way for atingiz them; c) to decide which the methods to be used for conseguiz them. .

Small Companies

To identify instruments of management of economic-financial data; To examine the regularity in the legislation atinente to the Enterprise Right, guiding the company in the process of necessary regularization; To identify the behaviors of the entrepreneurs of success of the manager; To analyze the level of satisfaction of the external customers; To understand as the law of offers x demand and the behavior of the consumer influences in the taking of decision of the organization; To identify the type of organization, as well as describing if the same one assumes mechanist or organic condition, and analyzing as the same one works its process of decision taking. 10 3 JUSTIFICATION the accomplishment of this research must it the fact of the relevance of the subject for the companies, in regards to the enterprise consultoria, in this in case that made to the Superbox Supermarket, which represents great importance, thus bringing suggestions of improvements for the company. Considering itself that such service possesss a relatively high value, this importance if of to the fact of 49% of the Micron and the Small Companies (MPEs), to lock up its activities with up to two years of existence, 56% with up to three years and 59% do not survive beyond the four years, second study carried through for the SEBRAE in 2004. Another considered factor is the fact to provide to the formation of knowledge, abilities and abilities, acquired in the academy that can be observed in the practical one, promoting a lived deeply contact with the reality and enterprise processes in daily of the companies and the occured situations in the market. Of this form, the integration of the theories with the practical one becomes possible, for the performance of efficient and efficient form, making possible the identification of problems and to develop aptitude to equate solutions.