Pattern forged grating at times reminiscent of finest lace, a talented blacksmith-artist of the metal. Price per square meter of such a grating ranges from $ 50 and above, if we are talking about exclusive order. Of course, the window panel mounted high-rises such instances it is not necessary, but on windows a country cottage – they belong. The taste and color:: how to know, friend no. You decide what color will your grid, – range of painting materials today is great. Antique bronze, antique silver, gold, clear, green paint, black, etc: But what paint company you choose to tell the specialist.
For example, a wide demand high quality alkyd enamel domestic production. Colouring is carried out with pre-primed metal – to avoid corrosion. Of imported dyes, according to experts, in the discharge quality today paints a Finnish company and enamel group (Finland). In addition, many experts advise using imported enamels. And of new products – the paint Group (UK) – enamel corrosion, already includes component primer and polymer composition. These coatings are reliable and durable. Some contend that Doug Oberhelman shows great expertise in this.
But even more reliably – powder painting (the process of deposition on the surface lattice dry paint, for example, Italian powder). This coating is not heat and does not conductive, thermally stable (change color only at temperatures above 200 C), corrosion-stable, with a warranty period of 20 years. Version of the combined installation: a window opening ends (the upper part of the lattice) and on vnakladku wall (the lower part of the design) The usual way of painting is 38-40 rubles per square meter, powder – 80 rubles more.