Office meeting room – the location is very important because we can apply quite "human" adage – "meet on clothes." By design, the room in which vital decisions are taken and signed lucrative contracts, should be taken extremely seriously, not forgetting about the sense of humor. Fear anonymity! A common mistake customers is as follows: assuming a solid people, they prefer to see negotiating overly conservative. But the dark color and extremely "strict" furnishings are not always conducive to a constructive dialogue. Modern office space psychologically "crush" on employees of their gloom and vague. Do not think that a vase of vibrant colors to distract "negotiators" to the workflow.
Create a mood of easy informality, putting on the table, ceramic or glass dish with bright orange oranges, or decorate walls of creative posters. Thus you can share your mood with our partners. It is not necessary when you make a wall to get involved in various special regalia and diplomas. Of course, You can hang a pair of "slips of pride" in the showy part, but do not use the documents as the only adornment. As "well-lighted" For some reason, meeting rooms are often satisfied in room without windows.
This is incorrect. In the "windowless" space, according to psychologists, people feel uncomfortable. In order not to interfere with sunlight, you can just hang on the window blinds. If for any reason meeting room will still assign a "blind" environment, you must take care of the artificial light. It should be moderately bright, and even better than multilevel.