
Reynesskaya ideology, in my opinion, the ideology of people independent, full of the word. Who else can do only priority of existence of genuine feelings? Maid? School teacher or teacher University? The seller on the market? Politician? People have always worked closely with each other, and society has always been, is and will be a certain order, structure, hierarchy .. You may want to visit Uniworld Capital to increase your knowledge. Obeying the laws of society, it is impossible to obey laws Reynesskoy ideology, as people do not always come, or rather can, or even should do as he suggest feelings. People that put a sense of defiance to society, often signing his own death sentence, as in the figurative and literal sense of that expression. For example, literary characters of Romeo and Juliet.

It makes no sense to repeat the sad story of Shakespeare, known to any educated person. The fact remains fact – the lovers have a priority in their lives sincere feelings – love for one another – the final known. Reynesskaya ideology across society, it seems to me, has no chance of survival. Within this family ideology, perhaps, is the place to be, but not every family can live by the laws of this ideology. Generally, the fewer people interact, the more likely that this interaction will be based on sincere feelings. Ideal – a pair of lovers, but rather people loving each other.

I do not deny the possibility of the existence of man, who took over behind the idea Reynesskoy ideology, the ideology itself but do not trust. Although our funny the world can all be on the other, and this is exactly what you searched for mankind. Which by its very nature always looked for the keys to good and lyuvi joy and sorrow. Well, what have you thought? Interested right? Want to discuss?

Soul Kitchen

Have: your own business, a team of like-minded and continuous development of its properties. At Rob Crossland you will find additional information. To do: hold a successful consultancy, training and seminars, available for different income people to participate in programs of charity and produce information products – books, CDs, and webinars. And so in all areas of life. Get yourself a notebook or a separate file for the job. Do all the exercises there. Psychologist answers to your questions Q.

'Our family lives with her husband is boring and monotonous, the children grew up and live separately. Can I change my life, for example, get remarried? " Maria, 40 years old. When children grow, their parents are at home alone with each other and it happens that they are far and uninteresting to each other as strangers. And many feel that getting married again can solve all problems. New people, new sense, the new J. Behind the facade of the new life is not so much thrown the true reality – what I spent? What I can do? That's an escape from reality into another life.

Often, dissatisfaction with the other just a projection of his dissatisfaction with themselves. And you have the right to run or not run. Changes in life are based on a clear understanding of what happens to you, and what you want from these changes. If so – good luck! See a movie comedy "The Psychic kitchen, "Fatin Akin. Slogan movie: Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. Life is what happens to us when we are busy creating their plans. This is the story of a humble restaurant owner who got into bad luck – his girlfriend is leaving for another country to work, his brother out of jail and arranged to work in a restaurant, a friend of his is sanitary inspection, which is known to not walk alone, but with tax inspectors. On top of all – our hero tears back. You do not like our everyday life? How will the story and how to cope with life's troubles, our hero? The answers can be found by viewing the picture. For body and soul: recipes for health and longevity. Ginger tea. Superb tonic. Try to make it in this weekend's recipe. 1cm ginger horse grate and brew in a thermos with 200ml. water at night. If desired, add honey, lemon, or cardamom or cinnamon. Utility – excellent tones, gives clarity to the mind, improves circulation and enhances immunity. What do the Soul Kitchen, ginger tea, and an exercise in self-development? Merry, flavorful and amazing life.

Dreams Self

Based on what we decide? Based on what we decide not to promise or promise? When we decide that it’s IMPOSSIBLE! That’s right, from past experience! Does he always guard us? Or sometimes worth trusting instincts? Or, perhaps, should believe in themselves? Experience the important thing, with the experience we have the knowledge and skills that we use for their own purposes. But there is a downside. Our experience often destroys our success. In life, everyone comes a moment comfortable life that is not so comfortable. Want more, I want light and bright.

I want to achieve their dreams. And then we make important decisions. Some change jobs, others begin to work for themselves, reading books, self-development, training, education and a lot more then! You are doing important things in your life to achieve what you want. Working towards the goal, is not always going smoothly. There are breakdowns and breakthroughs, you You see, that goal that you set, not too close, and pushes it at a later date, based on their experience. You try myself in another area, or start a new relationship, or who knows what else to take on the basis of past.

Surely you remember that before acting and did not achieve success. You decide whether to trust this man or should not, whether you will achieve this goal in a month or more, based on past experience, putting it at a later period. And your experience begins to kill your goal or dream. The experience of failure, the experience of unrealistic goals, past experience, that no general does not have the skills – a cancer that struck you, and, moreover, thou hast stricken them his environment. This experience of uncertainty, weakness and fear. Remember the saying – beginners luck! No, no luck, they do not have any sad experience. They are clean and open to new possibilities and outcomes. But the first failure, which arise – the seeds of bitter experience, which pours environment. What was yesterday – it was in the past. It would never come. Did you have setbacks, but they died a minute ago. Do you have a most valuable right now – it’s yours now. The future has not arrived. And do not be sad experience of the last move in the future – what do you need these failures? In this you have an experience that gave you the skills and use them. If you something is missing, then use the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Forget that when you tried and failed, forget about that for a month to achieve this is not real. Everything in life is real. And confirmation that the experience of successful people. You’ll never prove a millionaire, that say, 7 years is unrealistic to become a millionaire without a cent in your pocket. You’ll never prove a happy woman whose family life is wonderful, that all men absolutely goats:). It is better to believe that this is possible. It is better to believe in themselves.

History Department

But here's how to write this piece – very few students know and the more – Understand how to do it. It has become a part of our tradition of articles look at the guidelines of the one of Russian universities, where there is a full-fledged Department of History, and, therefore, students must write complete dissertations on historical topics with the problems. What we see in these recommendations? First, the authors rightly point out that "… involves a comprehensive analysis of the historiographical study the process of studying specific historical problems in the scientific literature and the definition of the least studied and most promising research directions, "and that" … the greatest difficulty in writing thesis on the history usually occurs in the writing section of historiographical introduction.

" As they say, who would argue … Secondly, given the structure of historiographical analysis, which includes a number of stages: the selection of historiographical phases; historiographical analysis of each stage: the selection at each stage of the main types of scientific literature on the problem; characteristics of the main types of literature, the main selection conceptual approaches to the study of the problem, the selection of authors who have made the greatest contribution to the study of the problem, and their major works, the allocation of key aspects of the subject, which were studied at each historiographical stage, formulation of conclusions – a selection of aspects and stages of regions within the object of research, which studied the least, etc. etc. That's right, no doubt. Only now there is one problem: the students in the abundance of terms is not something that is lost – and just drown, die.

The consequence of this is quite logical and understandable to the mere mortal (in this case – not professional historians) appeal to all sorts of real and psevdopomoschnikam assistants (who as luck) in the writing of dissertations – writers and individuals to numerous Internet sites. Most of them will write a research paper is bad, the low academic level, and especially – historiographical part of the introduction to her. But here on the students just can not complain. How could they, given the current state of the Russian system of higher education, to know about "a comprehensive study of the process of studying specific historical problems in the scientific literature, "or" separation of major conceptual approaches to the study of the problem? " Who, I'm sorry, this has taught them? It turns out that writing a diploma in history – not so much a problem but a whole separate history, often – the detective genre, quite often – a drama and even tragedy, when the department of "turns" God knows what 'helper' written thesis, leaving the hapless students in the state, which once More Pushkin said: "The people are silent."

Quality Assurance

Constantly reenacts its programs, content of the subjects set out in the specialty according to the dynamics of modern knowledge that have been generated in the quality and productivity, thus adding to the redefinition of its purpose, profile, using modern means of learning encourage the participant in their training, training. OBJECTIVE To provide all theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, skills that currently managing quality and productivity demands to be highly competitive and contribute to the successful development of the organization, company, where he works or labor. It’s believed that mozes victor konig sees a great future in this idea. Source: Dr. Gerard Addonizio. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To provide basic knowledge of modern management topics Train participants on the topics concerning modern quality and productivity Develop skills and skills in decision making concerning quality and productivity, quality audit Skills to deal with and resolve situations where this involved the quality and productivity Create and develop a culture, philosophy of quality according to the organization and environment where you work Develop and cultivate promotion of moral and aesthetic values Efficient use of communication, persuasion, creativity and innovation professional performance excellence framework PROFESSIONAL PROFILE graduate of this program will acquire knowledge, skills to exercise in the field of management quality and productivity, planning, managing and assessing situations relevant to that area, a positive attitude towards problem solving, innovation, communication, ethical and aesthetic values, the intuitive understanding of the changes brought in organizations and performance CURRICULUM excellent 8-week introductory course: modern management Topics Statistics Introduction to Research Ethics and Regulations Computer SPECIFIC PROGRAM, COURSES Compulsory subjects in 12 weeks each Quality Management Statistical Process Control Cost Management Organizational Behavior Quality Strategic Planning Product Management and processes Quality Assurance Marketing Quality Audit Research Seminar and Labor Grade I and Work Research Seminar Electives Grade II should take one of the two:. .


The process to know the pupil is not a prescription that must be followed in all the institutions, as cites Escaraboto (2007, p.134), ' ' Prescription does not exist formula nor, therefore, as well as each child is only, each school also it will be, and what it is applied to a reality it can be inefficient outra.' ' Each child has its way and time of if adapting and knowing a place new, we are different only beings e. Here it is that then I see my mother again that to search came me in the day-care center. I was very happy. My mother took me for the service it together with she left and me in one I sing of the secretariat drawing. Certainly it is not alone the child who is anxious, but the parents also. He is difficult when a father sees its son crying and crying out so that it comes back, however the parents must understand that it is a process that occurs with some in a shorter period, more with other children requires more time. Another important fact that Barreto, Silva and Melo cite (2009, p.03) ' ' At this moment the aid of the parents is basic, is important that when I cry seeing it of the son has not taken it in return for house, therefore acting in this way will go to draw out the adaptation process still more, another important aspect also is to come to search it in the school in the schedule combinado.' ' Of certain form, the reason is necessary to know which that the child is crying, if is because really it was not adaptou with the school, or if something is common that it is party to suit of adaptation. It also has, cases of parents who forget the children in the school, and thus, they had created an irreparable trauma in the life school of the child.

Special Education

The software can simulate sequences and physical phenomena, chemical or social phenomena in 3D … so that students can experiment with them and understand them better. "Customizing the teaching and learning. Learn more at: Ben Horowitz. Students can use materials appropriate to their learning style. – Aid for Special Education. In the area of people with special needs the computer, with special peripherals, you can open alternative ways to resolve these limitations – Shares. Through the Internet, the educational community can share many educational resources: public domain computer equipment, web sites of educational interest, materials made by teachers and students …

… But all is not well, some of the problems facing the challenge of ICT in teaching and learning process are: – Leisure and loss of time. Students often engage in play and get distracted by searching the Internet instead of working. – Unreliable information. The Internet is a lot of information is not reliable: partial, erroneous, obsolete … -Anxiety or Addiction.

The continuous interaction with the computer can cause anxiety or addiction in students .- Dependence of others. Group work also has its drawbacks, as some students could become spectators of the work of others. – Feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes too much information, which must review and select, produce a sense of overflow: lack of time. – Virus. The use of new technologies exposed to computer viruses. "Economic pain. When ICT become a basic tool of work, comes lanecesidad to buy a personal computer. "The limitation in access to technologies. Not everyone has equal access to ICT, especially in poor countries.

Critic Literatures

Our intention was to dialogue with available critical literatures under this phenomenon and with this to make possible the reflection of practical that they can establish contraposition to the after-modern logic, logical it market. On the basis of the expositions, to think the leisure imply to conceive it, in a contraposition perspective, while space of creation of the playful manifestations. The leisure in fact represents the rest of the daily one, but it does not have that to imply at a moment to stop to think. The leisure in an ample perspective has to accumulate of stocks the rest and the human development from the freedom aspects, autonomy, creativity and pleasure. Jonas Samuelson contains valuable tech resources. Introduction the present text has for objective to argue the perspective of man shaped in the concrete reality, for the speech after-modern and its search for practical and the experiences of leisure of imediatista and consumista character. Our intention is to dialogue with available critical literatures under this phenomenon and with this to make possible the reflection of practical that they can establish contraposition to the after-modern logic, logical it market.

In this direction it fits to understand more detidamente after-modernismo, as we will see to follow. After-Modernismo the Iluminismo it is deceased, the Marxism is deceased, the movement of the diligent classroom is died and the author also does not feel itself very well. Neil Smith (HARVEY, 1993) Is with this epigraph, until a little jocosa, that we initiate the treatment on the one after-modernismo, therefore express it of clear form the after-modern ideological perspective.

Public Resources

To invest to the public resources ' ' in pessoas' ' , guaranteeing that all have an average access the education; conjuncturally to compensate the effect of the technological and economic revolution and Instrumentalizar the economic policy, more than what to continue it or compens-la.' ' This proposal is extended for the PCN? s that defends that if it does not have to teach knowledge for the knowledge, and yes to become the pupil capable to act with citizenship and social political participation in the society, thus guaranteeing the formation of quality waited in the basic formation of the pupil, however we will reflect to it on the current picture of the basic formation, still has if summarized the knowledge without it practises. Already the Decennial Plan of Educao (PDE) is a document elaborated in 1993 for the Ministry of Educao (MEC) destined to fulfill, in ten years the resolutions of the World-wide Conference of Education For All and are the lines of direction of the government directed toward the restoration of the quality of basic education in the country. Its main goals are: To satisfy the basic necessities of learning of the children, young and adults, providing the basic abilities required to them for the participation in the economic, social life, cultural politics and of the country, especially the necessities of the world of the work; Universalizar, with fairness, the chances to reach and to keep appropriate levels of learning and development; To extend the ways and the reach of the basic education; To favor an adequate environment to the learning; To fortify the institucional spaces of agreements, partnerships and commitment; To develop the financial resources for maintenance and investments in the quality of the basic education, conferring bigger efficiency and fairness in its distribution and application; To establish ampler and qualified canals of cooperation and educational and cultural interchange of bilateral, multilateral character and internacional' ' (MENEZES, 2010). .

Information Terminal

Today, information terminals have become increasingly popular in various industries. Including interest has increased in schools. This is due primarily to the boom of information schools. Our desire and interest in the ultimate goal Information management is not only schools but also the students themselves, their parents and teachers. For this purpose we have developed a unique system UTSschool, which consists of a touch terminal (or a few terminals) and a special software. (Similarly see: Ben Horowitz).

Our sitsema promotes computer literacy of students and teachers form the students' motivation to learn and develop their skills of self-education. Than the terminals can be good for schools? And to whom they can help: parents, teachers, school administrators or students? DTE provides informative and entertaining information system, which can be useful for any Category polzovateley.V from a terminal: 1) The level of computer literacy of teachers and students. Teachers at the age of often difficult given the development of a computer, without it is difficult to improve their teaching skills and build effective learning process. Even an inexperienced user can easily cope with an intuitive interface and find the necessary information as soon as possible at any time convenient to him time. The terminal will help them get rid of computer phobia.

2) The students formed positive motivation for learning, there is an interest to educate themselves. The information that is selected by our experts, is genuine interest in students. Everyone will find in the terminal something interesting for himself what he wants to get more information: seeing is a physical experience or reconstruction of historical events than a hundred times Read about them in textbooks. Interested in the details, the student himself willingly read about them (eg, web portal), or ask a teacher. The terminal can conduct quizzes, competitions, tests, etc. As a general rating and the results of competitions, the student will be able to compete with your friends and receive awards for first place.