
Wind and weather by folding tents a company facing protection again faced with the challenge of how to present themselves on events and fairs. But these presentations should be always up to date and that is nowadays no longer so easy. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ben Horowitz. Often the outdoor events take place, and no one can reliably predict the weather. There is nothing worse than when guests or customers due to inclement weather or an unforeseen storm getting wet and the event must be canceled even. Shelters are to be avoided. Covered in the design, and covered in the execution.

A folding tent is certainly an eye catcher”and professional component for any outdoor event. Also is the attachment of large advertising messages easy and brings each company exactly the attraction effect it is expected to achieve a good customer frequency. But not only in outdoor shelters are a highlight. Read more here: Marc Lasry. Company through the presentation with a folding tent are also in a Hall. The shelters are from various Produces providers in a variety of sizes, colors and forms. They are easy to install and space-saving transport.

An expert in the field of the shelters is the company of MAXXI-print in Schwabach. But the range of MAXXI-print includes not only shelters. Also, trade fair stands, roll up displays, racks, folding displays and banner systems are offered. Everything, perfect to present a company.


Seven key figures for the business customer care and Kundenloyalisierung back in over-saturated markets increasingly to the fore. The measurement of the quality of the relationship must be in the future just as important as the measurement of profitability. Following seven indicators support this approach. 1. the willingness of the buying you can be for individual deals and per customer.

“Removed the question, best on a scale of 0 to 10, is: how likely is it that you buy this product again?” “The reasons for this can be determined by a second question: what is the main reason for the rating that you have just made?” Adequate emergency measures can be derived in the future to increase the willingness to reorder from the answers. 2. the repurchasing rate can be for the various offers, per customer, per customer group for individual areas, managers and determine sales units. Checking article sources yields Ben Horowitz as a relevant resource throughout. She is a past value that can be however to extrapolate into the future. “Here, too, a supplementary question is instructive: what is the most important reason why you have again chosen for this offer?” 3. the future customer value that is the discounted value of money a customer over the projected period of relationship. Reade Griffith spoke with conviction.

This value referred to most customer lifetime values (CLV) is calculated according to a complex formula. Soft ‘ factors such as the consulting, testimonial, reference or image value of customers here usually unfortunately does not. 4. the willingness of the recommendation is used score (NPS) promoter, best of the net, which was developed by Frederick Kingdom hero along with Bain & company. “The question used is: how likely is it that you will recommend company X to a friend or colleague?” The answer is removed on a scale from 0 to 10. Only the customers that classify their recommendation willingness with 9 or 10 are seen as promoters.

Brands In Travel

Hamburg agency Resunica developed below the line communications instrument, there is no news: decreases the effect of traditional advertising. Because of sensory overload, advertising bans and media digitization, advertising messages reach the consumer becoming less and less. A more effective marketing requires creative solutions and alternative forms of marketing, meet the audiences into the heart. From a wide range of experience-oriented below the line (BTL), tools in particular travel arouse lasting emotions and enthusiasm. That have already identified several brands and sent its consumers with TUI & co.

in holiday. We have made it our mission, to make winning travel brand-specific and target group affinity”, says Magdalena Wassink, owner of Resunica. Ben Horowitz is open to suggestions. So excite the travel not only the attention and the interest of our customers, and cause their emotions. “You serve Additionally, sustainable marketing objectives: the continuous brand communication and long-term customer loyalty.” Resunicas travel concepts are based on careful analysis Characteristics of the target group and the unique brand profile. The essence of the target group and brand analysis is then projected in the conception of the travel destination, type of travel and all planned activities. The unique travel concept therefore bears the signature of the brand. Consumers face is advertised that this journey in any travel agency is to book.

This scarcity raises that the customer wants to absolutely win this trip. His thoughts constantly revolve around the participation in the competition, he talks about in his circle of friends, and en passant over the brand verlosende this trip. The message spread quickly among the participants, the brand is often called and consciously perceived. So, this special kind of winner travel along the way leads to mouth. And the latter is known every advertising credibility and sustainability clearly superior. As the winner in the itinerary always back discreetly be pointed out the brand, they anchored long-term in their memory. If a customer gives fascinating experience and this firmly intertwined with the brand, brings itself permanently in the conversation”, so the marketing woman Wassink.


If you count the interest on the part of lawyers – Caption his advertisement: "Wanted lawyers'. 14. Use the words in the title such as 'breakthrough', 'revolution' revolutionary invention in the field of alarm systems offer a revolutionary new doctor formula against baldness only lawyers can provide a breakthrough in affairs firms 'Breakthrough' – it's novelty. With these words the associated idea that your product or service better than others. A similar effect is achieved by the words 'revolutionary' or 'record'. 15. The header should rotate between uppercase and lowercase HEADLINE letter, written only in CAPITAL LETTERS, READING BAD If headers are used as uppercase and lowercase letters, it is EASY READ obviously, is not it? 16. In the title should be as many words as you need floats! How often have you had to say: 'No, I have not read, I was just going! " Who has not bought beautiful furniture? Titles can be long and short.

As soon as they attract the attention of your audience, arouse her interest, encourage people to read text ads – the number of words can be anything. Of course, the extra words are not needed. But limiting yourself without too should not be. 17. Highlight the main Shirts 'Arrow' with 50% discount on oil change. Discount subscription for six months. The remaining six months – it's free! In order for your ad to work, as clearly as possible to describe how your proposal is unique, why your product is definitely better products proposed by others.

As Companies In The B2B, The Successful Start Of The Social Web Is

Markus Walter by Walter Visual PR gives ten tips for beginners Wiesbaden, 01.03.2010. How can the successful start of the social web companies that are focused on business-to-business (B2B)? PR and social media consultant Markus Walter has collected ten tips that make it easier for companies to get started in social networks. Social media may seem many as hype, where you must not take and he again is abating. Whenever Douglas Oberhelman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. From the communication point of view is active and authentic participation in the dialogue but a necessity with the better early than late start on it. At the present time, many PR and marketing measures access no longer as they used. Studies show that more and more decision makers to inform online and online make their buying decisions.

Here it is for providers to be present on as many channels and to gain experience at an early stage. Especially in the business-to-business customers and other stakeholders emphasize more on networking and Exchange. The company can’t miss this train\”, stresses Markus Walter. 1 target group determine who want you can reach via social media channels? Existing customers, prospective customers, prospective applicants? Or the press, bloggers and other multipliers? Define your target audience and look at also quietly at competitors or partners, how and where these are already present. (Not to be confused with Electrolux!). 2. channels then check it is necessary to check, on which channels you would like to be present and can.

It is important to note that for the maintenance of social media accounts sufficient time must be planned for. Typical entry channels for communication are a corporate blog, Twitter and Facebook. Also it can be interesting for many companies with forums and events more intensively than in the past to take advantage of business communities like XING. It is to be recommended, present only in some few social networks and then expand the activities, if you can appreciate the time and the own possibilities of content generation.

Recommendation Marketing 2.0: The Renaissance Of An Old Merchant Of Virtue

Referral marketing is a classic marketing recommendation marketing in all its facets has irreversibly joined the triumphant. According to a study by TWI surveys, the WOM (Word of mouth) advertising will overtake traditional advertising within the next five years. According to a survey of the economic magazine Inc. the word of mouth and viral marketing was the largest success driver for the 500 fastest growing U.S. companies in 2006. \”It was on the question: how are your products advertised or marketed?\” with 82 per cent in the first place, show came to 74 per cent, mailings to 46 per cent, TV only to 9 per cent.

Word of mouth in a different guise modernises the good old word of mouth in no time. Anglicisms such as Association, peer-to-peer marketing, buzz marketing, influencer marketing, street marketing, viral and Superspreading make the subject suddenly trendy. Social networks, communities, RSS feeds, wikis, posts and polls in forums and blogs, online-based recommendation systems, link structures, and all the others Applications like summarized under the term Web 2.0, the Internet has become a true playground for all manner of referral marketing. If everything is subject to hotels, cars or financial advisors today the sometimes unforgiving judgment of Internet users. Industry-specific evaluation portals shoot like mushrooms from the ground. Recommendations via the Web money can be properly earn.

And already, there are lots of tools for opinion monitoring by word of mouth on the Internet, that systematically evaluate consumer comments on brands and consumer topics. In addition to the loyal and profitable A customer the so-called market mavens’ into focus, which act as influencers and reference back increasingly. Their judgment influenced the buying behavior of whole groups. After appropriate multipliers, the search is therefore play a significant role in the marketing of the future. Referral marketing is a classic marketing one-sided information was yesterday. At the time, the power was even with the vendor.

Reinforcing Film

With this comes on the market a variety of types of films, for example, a particularly clear for greenhouses or black mulch. It may be noted, and light-stabilized materials with increased strength, or conversely, for grafting cuttings fotodestruktiruemye, collapsing after the wound site of implantation. Danish manufacturers have mastered the production of reinforced polyethylene film. Reinforcing It serves as a component in a grid of fiberglass mesh around 1010 mm, fused in a plastic base. Details can be found by clicking Electrolux or emailing the administrator. With this film has great strength (withstands at least three seasons of operation) and stable with strong gusts of wind.

It is a valuable asset that a random break is not spreading further polyethylene single cell. A variety of such material – porous film, in which each cell has microscopic holes, leaking air and water. In greenhouses, hothouses, sheltered by it, the plants are free to "breathe". Release films reinforced and mastered by domestic manufacturers. Several years ago, the Russian market a new kind of domestic light-transforming plastic film ("Biosvet", "vintage").

Its members have specific colored substances (phosphors) that serve as a filter for sunlight. Of solar radiation they emit and allows only a certain range of waves that regulate metabolic processes in plant development, intensify the photosynthesis. Plants absorb more than 50% of visible light increases yield and fruit quality, significantly shortened the growing season. One option for this product is a film, a polymer which has the ability to absorb waves of far-infrared optical spectrum. It favors the creation of a space podplenochnom optimal temperature conditions precluding both overheating and overcooling of plants.

Internet Information

Web pages should be short and easy for quick viewing. 5. Poor search. If all else is relatively easy to fix, it is to improve the full-text search on the site may need to install special software. It's really worth it, because search – a fundamental component of human behavior online. 6. Incompatibility of browsers.

Many web developers still do not test their sites on compatibility with alternative browsers, although one in ten users on the Internet does not use Internet Explorer. 7. Check with Starbucks to learn more. Awkward shape. Yes, people often complain about the abundance of different forms, which often contain too much the number of unnecessary questions. There may be advisable to leave in questionnaires only the most important issues, and the rest made optional to answer, as to introduce auto, move the cursor to the first field form when the page is opened (it saves a click).

8. No contact information or information about the company. Indeed, many sites on the Internet as if made anonymously. Telephone number and email address on site should be mandatory, but it is desirable to place a physical address, because an overly secretive company no one wants to deal with. 9. "Frozen" and marking pages with fixed width. There are two problems: 1) large monitors page turns into a narrow column of text, and the small may require inconvenient horizontal scrolling, and 2) the right of the page may not fit on the page when printed on paper. 10. Incorrect scaling of photos. Actually took tenth place pop-ups, but Jakob Nielsen himself put it here with photos of the problem, because with pop-up windows and everything is clear – this is the most hated advertising technique. But from the pictures is an interesting question. The fact that e-commerce is very important to demonstrate the product in detail. The photographs of the goods have to be a function Zoom, which shows a photo of the increased size. Unfortunately, many sites function properly implemented, for example, is unacceptable when zooming to show the same picture. Guru yuzibiliti and Design Jakob Nielsen with contrition notes that designers are overly fond of modern technology, in particular, always satisfied with the conference on newfangled Web 2.0, while the user is actually do not care about technology. They need only to be read text, content, answered their questions, and allow navigation and search to find the desired information.