While in countries like France the sector of the pocket book currently reaches dimensions of about 400 million euros per year, in Spain, this format only earned 190 million euros in turnover in 2007, as they reflect the latest data report the internal trade of the book in Spain published by the Federation of Spain publishers guilds (FGEE). Also Pocket titles production is far below in our country of the Gaul, 6.392 titles, against the 15.700 published by our neighbors. Even so, those over 6,000 titles published in 2007, representing 10.8% of the total number of titles of the Spanish publishing panorama, have had a great reception in the market, since the 37,33 million books published in format pocket, 80% left on the shelves of retail outlets to place in the consumers. One more than positive figure, reached by the price environment that had these books, 6.40 euros, almost half the average of the conventional books edited. Editorial offer of Pocket Pocket collections present in the Spanish market are numerous; virtually every Publisher publishes a collection of this format. CONSUMER EROSKI has selected those which have a greater number of titles in their catalogs. DeBolsillo: with nearly 2,000 titles in its catalogue, this seal belonging to Random House Mondadori is the leader in the market for Spanish-language books in small format.
Roberto Saviano’s Gomorrah (7.95 euros) or the eight of Katherine Neville (9.95 euros) are some of their existing sale hits within the collection Best Seller, but their repertoire also includes other collections, as contemporary, with large representative works of fiction of the 20th century; Classic, which brings together some of the most important works in the history of literature, with authors such as Cervantes, Dostoyevsky and Flaubert; or essay, an extensive collection of books of reflection and debate. The prices of Debolsillo: between 6.95 and 11.95 euros.