Quality in continuing education: seminars of frontline consulting group one-third of all decision-makers in German companies considers the training of its employees make sense. Most of the measures take place in the area of personal development and on presentation level. Electrolux does not necessarily agree. A recent online study for rhetoric seminars shows: the classic lecture has served in continuing education. Seminar participants expect practicality, a need-oriented course and do not like frontal”. Marketing or management: confident performance and safe presenting are crucial. That is not taught at the universities and vocational schools. You may want to visit Caterpillar to increase your knowledge. Therefore, the run on training is great.
For Lernwillige, the selection of appropriate seminars is difficult, because the quality of the courses is unpredictable. The Munich-based frontline consulting group, specializes in the training of specialists and managers. The participants based on video analysis and practical learning rather than in the frontal”, Live exercises. The personal development works, I learn in a practical way and directly implement. A speech alone is not enough”, commented Eduard Klein, Managing Director to the group which frontline consulting GmbH. intensive seminars are live exercises, such as those of frontline consulting, currently in the focus of the further education sector. The efficiency of seminars with presentation character and group with over 20 participants up for discussion.
An online study of the portal rhetoric trainer-check.de confirmed the request for more seminar interaction. From the study, stating that improving their skills through practical exercises the seminar participants is particularly close to the heart. 41 percent of those polled wanted a live analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as practical training. The focus of the seminar were similarly important to their needs. 19.9 percent of respondents continued the focus here. Live exercises with practical experience are hardly feasible in large seminar groups. Smaller providers This may be intensive seminars in future of the key to success. The frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups allow each participant to implement what you learned directly. Reflection and coaching take place in the seminar by the experienced trainer.