FELIPE PABLO ALAIZ (1887-1959) in our debates emerges as celestial appeal the cult of heroism. However, all our victories have been achieved by joint activity, in which the heroic sacrifice of anyone, did not lack but the solidarity of all. Felipe Alaiz. THE voice ignored by the history of the literature Spanish Felipe Alaiz has been the writer most relevant of the libertarian movement, editor of the Sun, founder of the magazine of Aragon, Aragon, Los Galliots, land and freedom publications director, Solidaridad Obrera, Acracy, was also the first director of C.N.T., organ of the Committee national of the M.L.E.-C.N.T. in Franceappeared in Toulouse after the liberation, writer widely read in the years preceding the war, author of a large number of articles in multiple publications and numerous books, and with an important work as a translator, however, still the history of official literature of this country continues to ignore him. Felipe Alaiz de Pablo was born at Belver de Cinca, Huesca, on May 23, 1887 and died in Paris on April 8, 1959. Son of an infantry captain who participated in the war of Cuba, with few years moved to Albalate de Cinca, where his family was originating. He studied at Lleida, Huesca and Zaragoza and from an early age he devoted himself to journalism, collaborating on several publications Aragonese as journal of Huesca, Heraldo de Aragon, El Ebro, El Ideal de Aragon, Tierra aragonesa, Aragon, which became director and in 1919 he founded the Revista de Aragon.
In the collaborations of this period reveals his admiration for Joaquin Costa and some vindictive aragonesismo. Invited by Ortega y Gasset starts his collaborations in the newspaper El Sol of Madrid under the Aragonese topics title. Shortly afterwards surrendered completely to the libertarian movement, being pursued by their articles by those who suffered all kinds of villanias, as countless penalties, detentions in prisons, etc., libertarian commitment that would not finish more than with his death in exile.