Perhaps you have heard messages like these while growing up: we can not do that, Money does not grow on trees, you have to work hard to earn money, etc. Instead of feeling bad about not having money, gives a step backwards examines the origin of your beliefs about money and observed how those beliefs in your habits with the handling of money, manifested for example purchasing or contracting new debts. Get the question, are these values inherited from my family? I really need this or it is just a habit? Be aware of how you’re spending money. You need to analyze your feelings so much when you’re making a purchase at the end of the day. For example, a my I love to go to a bar and ordered a coffee with milk and two medias-lunas (croissants). Let’s say that you’re going to have a coffee with milk every day. When you’re there at the bar your emotion is wow! I feel very well! I love the coffee with milk. But later, how do you feel? If you feel good, fantastic! He continues to enjoy each day of your coffee with milk! But what happens if you feel guilt and remorse? Ask yourself, why I keep putting me to myself every day in this situation if I feel guilty? If it makes me feel bad, why buy me a latte every day? Analyze your feelings during and after the shopping is a great way to create awareness and make changes.
Do not avoid money problems. There is nothing more stressful than a stack of invoices unpaid piled up on your desktop. The energy of those bills stacked out there charging your energy negatively, especially if money is tight this month. If you are struggling to meet payments, you have to do something about it immediately. Takes the phone and say, this is what is happening to me.
Is there any way that we can solve it? Ahead and have these conversations will relieve some of the stress. Another benefit is that most companies want to fix things if you simply you’re willing to make that phone call. Abundance comes to you through emotions. If you really think that your glass is half full rather than half empty, you’ll feel abundance. It is what is what fills your heart with happiness. Are your children? Caring for your plants? Take a walk in nature? Those simple things that make you happy are the root of your abundance. I enjoy connecting with other women, talking about our challenges, I always learn something new and is beautiful to connect with someone on a deeper level. There is wealth in my life in the experience of sharing and learning with other women. The next time you feel that stress increases perhaps when it comes an account of unexpected, rather than enter into despair about how are you going to do to pay for it, get a pause. Ponte de pie, get a deep breath, and evokes your feelings of abundance, the simple things that make you happy. Abundance comes in many ways, not only has to do with money. If you apply these tips are going to begin to change your relationship with money. If you find this information useful, share with me I would love to know what you think!