Valerio Jacobi

The additional trades have a predefined and limited risk and make up only a fraction of the account value. The individual components, i.e. the instruments, underlying and direct investments, work together in such a way that any drawdowns at any time should exceed 8%. Is the risk of this managed accounts with a chance-oriented investment funds comparable? Valerio Jacobi: No. Chance-oriented funds have in times of crisis drawdowns by 30%-40% or more.

The drawdown at the Ceros pattern-Neumann managed account should not exceed 8%. Chance-oriented funds account but also 60% return in good years. This is Ceros pattern-Neumann managed account not intended, although it would be possible if it would increase the weight and thus the leverage the additional trades. This is but deliberately, with regard to the primary objective of a long-term and constant capacity building. The volatility in the managed accounts should be limited.

Why was this managed account not including as investment funds set up. The description for should it meet all requirements? Valerio Jacobi: The strategy could be mapped in an investment fund and it cannot be ruled out that a corresponding mutual funds is applied in the future. In principle, investment funds are however complicated and expensive in the design. For which target group is this managed account specially designed? “Valerio Jacobi: this managed account is suitable for anyone who consistently increase his fortune, take advantage of the upward movements on the stock markets, but exorbitant fluctuations, so roller coaster rides”, would like to avoid. But it’s an investment in stocks and futures markets, an investor in any case should have a longer investment horizon and a certain risk tolerance. What place in the portfolio should it take? Valerio Jacobi: The Ceros pattern-Neumann managed account follows a comprehensive investment strategy with asset values as basic investment, which is always secured. The additional trades lead to more diversification in terms of asset class, as well as the traded markets. Thus the managed account must not as admixture, as it is the case usually managed accounts, but may be a core investment are considered. Chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Mostly opportunity-oriented investment styles in favour of note to managed accounts managed accounts, not in any arbitrary percentage size suitable for the securities accounts of investors. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio.