Today, information terminals have become increasingly popular in various industries. Including interest has increased in schools. This is due primarily to the boom of information schools. Our desire and interest in the ultimate goal Information management is not only schools but also the students themselves, their parents and teachers. For this purpose we have developed a unique system UTSschool, which consists of a touch terminal (or a few terminals) and a special software. (Similarly see: Ben Horowitz).
Our sitsema promotes computer literacy of students and teachers form the students' motivation to learn and develop their skills of self-education. Than the terminals can be good for schools? And to whom they can help: parents, teachers, school administrators or students? DTE provides informative and entertaining information system, which can be useful for any Category polzovateley.V from a terminal: 1) The level of computer literacy of teachers and students. Teachers at the age of often difficult given the development of a computer, without it is difficult to improve their teaching skills and build effective learning process. Even an inexperienced user can easily cope with an intuitive interface and find the necessary information as soon as possible at any time convenient to him time. The terminal will help them get rid of computer phobia.
2) The students formed positive motivation for learning, there is an interest to educate themselves. The information that is selected by our experts, is genuine interest in students. Everyone will find in the terminal something interesting for himself what he wants to get more information: seeing is a physical experience or reconstruction of historical events than a hundred times Read about them in textbooks. Interested in the details, the student himself willingly read about them (eg, web portal), or ask a teacher. The terminal can conduct quizzes, competitions, tests, etc. As a general rating and the results of competitions, the student will be able to compete with your friends and receive awards for first place.