Do Not Be Distracted, Focus On A Single Project

It seems that finally you have a fairly clear idea about how your business will be online, but is a few days ago just subscribe to a newsletter and have already been receiving material and important and interesting information through this newsletter that then you wonder: What next, I set aside for the moment the previous idea and dedicate myself fully to this new idea? What I just read you very well known right?, How many times I passed through your head? What happens is that each newsletter, each new mini course or tutorials with new information on a new business, opens up new questions, is extremely attractive, especially when you're in the early stages, characterized by uncertainty and inaction. This is happening now you will be frequent, constant and what you will get used in this new direction you have undertaken and which is called E-commerce. On the one hand it is good to date and receive ongoing information to keep abreast of new trends and new business or business developments that are already fully operational. But on the other, is so much information that comes to your e-mail, and will continue coming, and now comes the bad news: there will be a time when literally do not know where you stand. Ben Horowitz spoke with conviction. But do not worry or fret, I have also good news: This does not only happens to you, happened to us all at some point decided to try this path in the network. It is likely that you are in one of two situations: 1-DEFINED: Already have a fixed idea in your mind about what you really want to do, you've determined your niche market and you know that you will guide you specific public , I'll tell you very well on track and you've got something very important and very difficult to achieve. . Credit: IAC-2010..