1 Forragicultura and Pastures – IFMG/Bambu Campus – Notes of Lesson Productivity: t/MV presents an annual average between 40 – 100 and enters 45-50 t/MS/ha in 2-3 cuts. Chemical composition: 4-10%%PB in the MS. The colonio when mature it presents high losses of quality, increase of the fiber, and reduction of the palatabilidade. Indications: more recommended for pastejo, against indicated for the fenao and ensilagem. Plantation: plant with high capacity of production of seeds (kg/ha produces 150 200). In the plantation kg/ha can be used 40 on-line density of 15-20 or kg/ha in plantation the throwing, case is implanted by changes 4 the average expense is of t/ha with 0,5 espaamento of 0,5 x 3-5 m using changes for hollow. Problems: attack of cigarrinha of the pastures and lizards.
Handling of the colonio: a high handling sends regards, with the entrance of the animals with the plants in an average height of 60-80 cm and the exit to the 30-40 continuous cm In pastejo, sends regards to pass the roadeira one (1) time to the year, in the rain season, with sights to eliminate dry colmos (Macega). Tolerance: it presents moderate to the sombreamento and the forest fires, it sprouts again fast the burning after. Trust: it can be made with the leguminosas; siratro, perennial soy. Capim Tobiat – Panicum maximum – cv. Tobiat Origin: Ivory Coast. Introduced in Brazil in 1977 for the EMBRAPA, it was evaluated by the IAC up to 1982. Description: it is a forrageira with similar characteristics to the colonio, presents leves of average length 80 cm and with width 4,5 cm. The leves, cases and lgulas are presented densely pilosas with made blue inflorescncia, are grassy a highly responsive fertilizer application. Requirements: in climate and ground it is very similar to the colonio, it requires deeper ground, it presents more leves of what stems, compared with the colonio, do not tolerate ground with high acidity.