Of course, this is just my personal opinion, but I never liked birthdays … Gifts, gifts, gifts … Who came up with all these gifts? Eternally suffer the problem of what to give. Many will say that this is not a problem to find a gift but it's not me. My eternal problem – what to present to people and to please not sit and then starving to paycheck. A recent example of this – Serge, more precisely, his birthday.
As always, I learned about it Friday. As always, Saturday was planned a picnic … Friday night was hopelessly damaged the legwork to shop in search of really funny gift. Serge always says that he has everything to life and laughter but not enough for him. As a result, squandered three hours to shop, I was angry. And I decided that since things he has, then you need something new. Really strange, funny and original.
When I got home, I began to think hard about it. Nothing I came up with Vitalke called. He suggested the move: "Let's giving away Seryoga on the phone. What type of mobile lottery. The call of the traffic police with a personal greeting from the entire traffic police and Nurgalieva? I congratulate Svetka, she liked it, so far recalls. " I liked the idea. Such we have not done. Surely birthday will be in shock. And people laugh. Pleased that finally solved its problems, I went to sleep … In the morning, as soon as we gather to adequately mark the event in Seryoga phone rang. He picked up the phone and listened to a couple of minutes a voice greeting. His face is first stretched and then broke into a satisfied smile. Have fun, laughing, he said that he did not expect this even from us. The party was, the voice card was the most unexpected and fun gift. Sergei is still at the word hoax begins to laugh … I now know exactly how to congratulate his boss, who soon anniversary …. Guess? Of course, having played!