Reynesskaya ideology, in my opinion, the ideology of people independent, full of the word. Who else can do only priority of existence of genuine feelings? Maid? School teacher or teacher University? The seller on the market? Politician? People have always worked closely with each other, and society has always been, is and will be a certain order, structure, hierarchy .. You may want to visit Uniworld Capital to increase your knowledge. Obeying the laws of society, it is impossible to obey laws Reynesskoy ideology, as people do not always come, or rather can, or even should do as he suggest feelings. People that put a sense of defiance to society, often signing his own death sentence, as in the figurative and literal sense of that expression. For example, literary characters of Romeo and Juliet.
It makes no sense to repeat the sad story of Shakespeare, known to any educated person. The fact remains fact – the lovers have a priority in their lives sincere feelings – love for one another – the final known. Reynesskaya ideology across society, it seems to me, has no chance of survival. Within this family ideology, perhaps, is the place to be, but not every family can live by the laws of this ideology. Generally, the fewer people interact, the more likely that this interaction will be based on sincere feelings. Ideal – a pair of lovers, but rather people loving each other.
I do not deny the possibility of the existence of man, who took over behind the idea Reynesskoy ideology, the ideology itself but do not trust. Although our funny the world can all be on the other, and this is exactly what you searched for mankind. Which by its very nature always looked for the keys to good and lyuvi joy and sorrow. Well, what have you thought? Interested right? Want to discuss?