The software can simulate sequences and physical phenomena, chemical or social phenomena in 3D … so that students can experiment with them and understand them better. "Customizing the teaching and learning. Learn more at: Ben Horowitz. Students can use materials appropriate to their learning style. – Aid for Special Education. In the area of people with special needs the computer, with special peripherals, you can open alternative ways to resolve these limitations – Shares. Through the Internet, the educational community can share many educational resources: public domain computer equipment, web sites of educational interest, materials made by teachers and students …
… But all is not well, some of the problems facing the challenge of ICT in teaching and learning process are: – Leisure and loss of time. Students often engage in play and get distracted by searching the Internet instead of working. – Unreliable information. The Internet is a lot of information is not reliable: partial, erroneous, obsolete … -Anxiety or Addiction.
The continuous interaction with the computer can cause anxiety or addiction in students .- Dependence of others. Group work also has its drawbacks, as some students could become spectators of the work of others. – Feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes too much information, which must review and select, produce a sense of overflow: lack of time. – Virus. The use of new technologies exposed to computer viruses. "Economic pain. When ICT become a basic tool of work, comes lanecesidad to buy a personal computer. "The limitation in access to technologies. Not everyone has equal access to ICT, especially in poor countries.