
Methods help to find a common language of it professionals and business management, is a visual tool to assess the contribution of it to the business result of the firm. rej methodology is currently the most complicated and complex tool for assessing the project implementation of it solutions. But it can not effectively assess the projects have an it infrastructure in general. Information Economy (Information Economics, IE) is a qualitative methodology for assessing it project or portfolio. It involves compiling a list of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the project and its analysis in terms of the potential benefits that the project should bring to the company.

In practice, this happens that way. Organized a working group to assess the effectiveness of IT-projects proposed for implementation. This group consists of employees of it services, business and risk managers. It produces 10 major factors determining the potential effectiveness of the proposed project. After that happens estimate the relative importance of each factor to the main business processes (the pros) and risk assessment for each of the factors (“Cons”). The result of the evaluation process will be rating the project in terms of its importance to key business processes of the firm.

In the case of ie techniques to the portfolio of projects or select options for implementing a particular project comparing IE-rating would allow the objective to select the best option. System performance it (Balanced it Scorecard, BITS) is a development methodology bsc in the direction of greater applicability for the companies, key business processes which dependent on information technology. In fact, the only change in this methodology, compared with bsc, is a more formalized performance of the analyzed process. As such performance technique bits recommends the following four: assistance in business development company; improving service for both internal and external customers; improving the quality of decision-making; Increased productivity. Range of application techniques bits is virtually identical to those for the bsc. Perhaps the most effective way bits technique can be applied to the analysis of a service it services enterprise. In this article we present is not an exhaustive review of methodologies for evaluating it, each of which is in demand, developing and improving the working groups and committees, which include experts in finance, Management and it. These techniques provide efficient algorithms, based on best management practices. The application of these algorithms allows it projects align with business goals of the enterprise. Assess economic feasibility of it projects can and should be. What are the methods used will depend on the individual enterprise, training managers, and so on.