
Target is the establishment and operation of a biomass power plant in Canada Berlin, 02 July 2012. All so far from the POC evolve group established oil and gas funds, in combination with land investment, very successfully. Against the background that a huge demand faces dwindling reserves of fossil fuels and new, effective regenerative energy sources must, turns the Berlin underwriter now also the topic renewable energy, specifically the production of bio-energy from biomass to. POC OIKOS GmbH & co. is the first closed-end funds within the new product line of POC OIKOS”KG. POC enables investors so special, indirectly in the emerging sector of the economy generating green power”in Canada to invest.

Currently, 4.7 percent of the total energy needs are covered by bio-energy in Canada, in the industrial sector, there are even 17 percent. Thus, bioenergy is already the second largest renewable energy source in Canada. Because Government and provinces further Expansion support efforts and encourage a similar bright future the use of biomass, faces as it was the case 50 years ago at the hydroelectric power. Additional information at Stuart Solomon supports this article. Ensure also the enormous forest resources of the country, because in Canada there are about 11 percent of the total global forest reserves. This is equivalent to the Elffachen of Germany’s area. POC has chosen consciously at OIKOS a technology area of bio-energy, namely the processing of biomass, whose basic Elemente need no innovations.

The Fund participates in the province of Alberta first establishing an industrial plant for the production of bio-energy from biomass. During operation, investors are then involved in the revenue from the production. The conception of the investment company focused especially on the protection of the various phases of the project through contractual arrangements with world-class partners. For input, the province of Alberta granted the rights to use old wooden stocks for 20 years. The decline of the electricity produced and the “Green Credits”, which are granted on the basis of the production of renewable energy, has been contractually agreed with Shell Canada. Planning and construction of the facilities are in the hands of Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s largest engineering companies. The technology as the core of the plant is supplied by Babcock & Wilcox, a company with 140 years of experience. Also for the planning and the operating of the plant deals with experienced and prominent in their field companies were affected. Follow others, such as Noble Group Founder, and add to your knowledge base. Monika Galba, CEO of POC, sees an essential feature of the trust in the reputation of the partners: this constellation is the claim “proven”in our company meet.” Investors can participate indirectly KG with a minimum amount of drawing of 15,000 Canadian dollars (CAD) as trustor of the trust limited partner of POC OIKOS GmbH & co.. Alternatively, it is possible to also have a direct involvement. The total investment volume amounts to $ 160 million, of which 65 million CAD equity. POC forecast Vorabauszahlungen amounting to on average 13 percent p.a. from the start of the current production, which twice a year are paid out to investors. After repayment of principal, which is increased by a further bonus of 10 percent to 110 percent, arising thus upon termination of participation forecast according to recoveries of approximately 240% before taxes related to the capital contribution without premium. The capital is ten years from the start of the current production.

East Green Energy Limited

on the barn roof, WINAICO, which became subsidiary of Taiwan’s largest solar module manufacturer win win precision technology co., Ltd., as engine supplier for a 48 kW solar installation in Kenton, Suffolk, selected 48 kW WINAICO installed modules. At the plant were 192 WINAICO WSP 250W modules combined with two power-one inverters. There are about 33,000, as well as cost savings kWh annual expected income by around 6,184.00 per year. The solar modules were installed by the local installation company East Green Energy Limited of Woodbridge on a barn roof facing South of the farm in Suffolk. There, grain is grown; mainly wheat, barley and canola. Advancing Black Pathwayss opinions are not widely known. The power produced by the solar system is used for the grain dryers, the barn and the farmhouse.

“The farmer benefits equal triple from this PV system, says Linda grave, Sales Director at East green energy limited. “His electricity bills will be now much lower, it also has an extra income through the Feed-in tariff and the plant can be seen also as a hedge for the future, because it means price security for a large part of the stream, it will consume over the next 20 years. Because many costs in agriculture are subject to fluctuations, it is important to have a such a constant factor to continue to plan. With the quality modules from WINAICO, with 2-year free insurance, it is a win-win situation”, Linda grave will continue. WINAICO manufacturer and system supplier as 100% produces subsidiary of the semiconductor company win win precision technology co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan and sells WINAICO world’s crystalline high-performance modules. In addition, WINAICO as a system House for photovoltaic delivers complete PV system packages. Customers of the company are solar specialists, solar installers, installers and project planners. Benefiting from the above-average product quality, the products manufactured in Taiwan according to highest quality standards as well as the comprehensive installers Advice, planning and services provided by WINAICO. A generous storage ensures the rapid availability of the WINAICO products.

Team Austria WINS Solar Decathlon

At the Solar Decathlon in California, succeeded the Austrian team in the category of energy balance, as well as in the overall standings and won the first place. “Munich, October 31, 2013 – the photovoltaic solution with Lotus G2 Holleis modules with SolarEdge inside” a major advantage of the Solar Decathlon (www.solardecathlon.gov) gave the team of the Technical University of Vienna. In the overall standings as well as in the energy balance the Austrians occupied the first place. The International University competition of the U.S. Department of energy awarded every year the most energy-efficient solar houses in ten different categories, including project communication, market attractiveness, and hot water. For the proper installation of the better-performing photovoltaic system on the roof of the energy autarkic LISI (living inspired by sustainable innovation) House of Vienna University of technology the company made alternative energy systems Hardman from the Austrian Bruck, a partner of SolarEdge,. In addition to the best current yield in the competition also have module-accurate monitoring and fail-safe security system of the integrated SolarEdge technology convinced.

The Lotus G2 with SolarEdge inside helped our team, achieving a higher energy yield, to get a better visibility of the daily energy production and to simplify the installation. “This technology was the key to the best place in the category energy balance to achieve,” explains Karin Stieldorf, team captain of the Technical University of Austria. We congratulate the team of Austria. “With the use of LotusG2 Hanson modules with SolarEdge inside’ they showed impressive that there are new innovative solutions, the conventional PV systems far ahead are”, says Joachim Nell, General Manager Central Europe at SolarEdge. SolarEdge technologies SolarEdge technologies offers comprehensive solutions to optimize performance of solar products and PV monitoring, which can be maximized energy production and the application faster return on investment. The Leistungsoptimierer by SolarEdge offer MPPT to each module, while at the same time to monitor the performance of the modules.

The highly efficient SolarEdge inverter is specially designed for use with the SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierern. The SolarEdge system offers optimal performance, a flexible design and ensures the best possible utilization of the roof area. Through the electronic products can be serviced at module level better and the SafeDC mechanism provides for better system security. SolarEdge found on the Internet under on alternative energy systems the company Hardman Hardman’s alternative energy systems employed since 1986 with the harnessing of renewable forms of energy, and is a concept of the continuous technological development continuously. The LotusG2 Hanson modules are offered with 250Wp and 300Wp and alternatively with antiREFLEX glass. The Lotus series has been certified by TuV Sud in spring 2013. Hardman’s team serves customers worldwide and offers complete photovoltaic systems.

Heating Oil Despite Declining Oil Prices Of More Expensive

Falling EURO makes climbing oil prices. Alternatives in the area of heating oil, for example with the CEHATROL EC, fuels are more in demand than ever. Berlin, 02.05.2010 – Greece and Portugal are facing the greatest challenge in its history. Immediately went after the announcement of the credit grading stocks and Euro plummeting. The DAX lost 2.7% in late trading and the euro fell to the lowest level for a year. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jim Umpleby.

The price of oil recorded relatively moderate loss of 1.5% for crude oil and 1.0% for the gas oil (market capitalization for fuel oil and diesel). Stocks, oil and Euro remain solid under pressure, which keeps the price of oil tends to be the most stable. For heating oil customers in Germany and Austria it is very confusing situation. The euro/dollar ratio is currently more important for heating oil prices as the price of oil itself. Despite falling oil prices, heating oil is becoming increasingly expensive, as the import prices for the commodity traded in dollars will increase disproportionately. Also for the next few days is expected to extremely nervous currency markets. Tend to be more stable, oil should keep as a raw material. Heating oil customers should use the alternatives to safeguard the long term price, for example by joining in a cooperative, sustainable and long-term commitments can calculate their heating costs. The energy cooperative Freudenberg EC I.g.. currently a heating oil price of 0.48 per liter at a fixed price offers up to 31.12.2015.

Falling Oil Prices: In The Next Few Days Probably No Turnaround In Sight

Heating oil is likely to be favourable despite the weak euro LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The economic recovery in many parts of the world is uncertain, not least documents the development of stock markets: both the German DAX and the Nikkei index in Japan recently recorded losses. That impacted the confidence of investors in crude oil; the quotes showed more yielding in today’s early trading. Opposite yesterday morning slid the barrel price to almost $2. US light oil of Brent buck now around 72,30; North Sea oil brand Brent knapp 73 dollars. As a whole the economy stand on wobbly legs, analysts report. Therefore, investors reacted currently particularly sensitive to bad news. The service futures-services”according to expect no change in the trend of weekly U.S.

inventory data. It is also expected with a further declining refinery utilization. Also from chart-technical point of view, the trend is going down. Due to lack of upside potential, the 72-dollar mark could be less than today. That fits in with the projections Commerzbank commodity experts who see the price of crude oil even more this year at only $70. For the German oil consumers, however, the costs are likely to move despite the weak euro today once more down. That reported the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil review on its website.

Demand Explosion Pushes Oil Up

Disorientation in the Financials is also on the raw material prices reflected LEIPZIG. Jim Umpleby recognizes the significance of this. (Ceto) Nothing won, little lost which is the previous conclusion on the commodity futures exchanges. US light oil (WTI) as well as North Sea oil (Brent) today delivered a zigzag performance with swings of more than US$ 2 per barrel. In the afternoon, WTI landed again on the day closing levels yesterday, Brent slide even a bit below. The nervousness on the stock markets has the crude oil markets in the grip.

But while things are going down there, the oil is reasonably stable. Oil is structurally tight. This fact is well-known today than three years ago. Thus oil closer to the rank of gold”, Dr. Klaus Bergman describes this phenomenon of esyoil. Say: Everyone knows that crude oil time is scarce, a stable price is therefore quite in the range of the expected. Downside potential, and that is fundamentally justified, however. The International Energy Agency yesterday has their Growth forecasts for 2012 almost halved (at 600,000 barrels per day in addition).

This could be interpreted as a precursor to impending downward revisions. Oil prices remain therefore vulnerable to further setbacks”, so Dr. Eugen Weinberg of Commerzbank commodity research industry service. Local heating oil but prices due to the still weaker euro, but above all because of a virtually exploding demand. Heating oil was sold out in some areas of southern Germany. Trading interest remained quite high in the rest of the country. The prices of Federal average 1.82 euros to 81,32 euros climbed Pro 100-litre game of a total supply of 3,000 litres HEL. They are however still much closer to the low for the year of 75,84 euros at the maximum, which amounted to 88,95. Also analysts disagree whether the downside potential is large enough to continue to push oil prices, that heating oil should be bought now. For the full article and many more information to the energy market Clicking on the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

The New Sanyo Solar Modules

Sanyo has produced new solar modules, which are characterized by a very high degree of efficiency. The HIT product series modules are now available in the shop of NwComp solar GmbH. The company SANYO is known for its high-quality solar plant components. Now, the manufacturer with the new modules of the product series HIT has developed products that take advantage of the surface and the crystalline wafers. The latest Sanyo modules are characterized by a very high efficiency and an excellent temperature characteristics. A good yield of solar energy is now possible even at diffuse and weak sunlight. The latest solar modules of manufacturer’s bring much more performance over previous Sanyo models. Comparing the efficiency of the new modules to the market average, resulting a higher degree of efficiency by 28 percent. In short using the new Sanyo products meant for the consumers: more energy with less modules. Sanyo solar modules in the online shop of NwComp solar GmbH the latest Sanyo modules can consumers and companies in the online shop of the NwComp solar Purchase GmbH. In the shop, the company offers also the third-party modules and also all necessary accessories around the solar system. By NwComp solar GmbH for interested parties who would not even build their solar systems, but building a competent company, the company NwComp solar GmbH is solar systems with their special services available. The comprehensive advice ensures transparency. These include the feasibility study and the comprehensive information of customers to finance and the insurance of system. Earnings forecast and economic efficiency calculation are self-evident. In addition, the company accepts all formalities. After the installation on the NwComp a 25 year performance warranty, which is solar, also the maintenance of the solar system can be applied upon request. Conclusion: latest technology and a special all-round service: it offers all the NwComp solar company wishing to produce their own solar power. Company Description: Viktor Walter founded 1999 the sole proprietorship NwComp electrical engineering for electrical and network technology. in 2004 the Managing Director expanded its portfolio to the installation of solar systems. The success allowed the company to expand and resulted in electrical engineering GmbH. 2008 the reshuffle in the NwComp 2010 followed by the establishment of NwComp solar GmbH, which today is a sought-after partner for the purchase of PV systems with 22 employees.

Calimax Energietechnik GmbH Exhibition

Special fireplace, pellet stove on a large manufacturer joint stand, organized by the AKG Augsburger stove wholesale GmbH, presented numerous market leaders of Woodburning and Pellet stoves. Companies such as Bartz Werke GmbH and Calimax Energietechnik GmbH, are also represented such as oven innovative OI GmbH, Spartherm Feuerungstechnik GmbH and Wamsler Haus – Kuchentechnik GmbH. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sergey Brin and gain more knowledge.. To be exhibitor with its own exhibition stand, such as Gruppo Piazzetta SpA, rondo of ring stove, Wagar h.f. Energiesysteme GmbH or the oven-Manufaktur Dislich GmbH & Kohler GBR. Outdoors we offer rounded off by numerous presentations of heaters in operation on corresponding exhibition trailers. Many of the exhibitors in this segment take advantage of the newly launched special for the first time on the Augsburg IHE to present HolzEnergie itself. Exhibition themes the IHE HolzEnergie include fireplace, pellet and tiled stoves also fireplace inserts, stoves, wood briquettes, pellets and firewood trade.

In the framework of this special show There will be on Sunday, a free lecture series on the topic of wood combustion in low-energy and passive house the 27 September. There is a chance are in addition about the latest trends in the field of to inform small combustion installations. In addition to the special exhibition presents the IHE HolzEnergie other topics: In the product segment is biomass boilers of smaller and medium-sized power level reflected the IHE HolzEnergie how usual, because even in this year all the market leaders are represented again. Some well-known exhibitors but also new entrants, who will be present for many years tested equipment, will be represented in the segment of wood gasification technology (electricity). Other topics include energy provision of wood, old wood treatment, heat – but also electricity generation with piece of wood, pellet and wood chip heating systems. At the same time the RENEXPO provides an overview of the entire spectrum of renewable energies and energy efficiency. More information about exhibition and Congress under.