Katherine Neville

While in countries like France the sector of the pocket book currently reaches dimensions of about 400 million euros per year, in Spain, this format only earned 190 million euros in turnover in 2007, as they reflect the latest data report the internal trade of the book in Spain published by the Federation of Spain publishers guilds (FGEE). Also Pocket titles production is far below in our country of the Gaul, 6.392 titles, against the 15.700 published by our neighbors. Even so, those over 6,000 titles published in 2007, representing 10.8% of the total number of titles of the Spanish publishing panorama, have had a great reception in the market, since the 37,33 million books published in format pocket, 80% left on the shelves of retail outlets to place in the consumers. One more than positive figure, reached by the price environment that had these books, 6.40 euros, almost half the average of the conventional books edited. Editorial offer of Pocket Pocket collections present in the Spanish market are numerous; virtually every Publisher publishes a collection of this format. CONSUMER EROSKI has selected those which have a greater number of titles in their catalogs. DeBolsillo: with nearly 2,000 titles in its catalogue, this seal belonging to Random House Mondadori is the leader in the market for Spanish-language books in small format.

Roberto Saviano’s Gomorrah (7.95 euros) or the eight of Katherine Neville (9.95 euros) are some of their existing sale hits within the collection Best Seller, but their repertoire also includes other collections, as contemporary, with large representative works of fiction of the 20th century; Classic, which brings together some of the most important works in the history of literature, with authors such as Cervantes, Dostoyevsky and Flaubert; or essay, an extensive collection of books of reflection and debate. The prices of Debolsillo: between 6.95 and 11.95 euros.

In England

This phenomenon happened when ECB President Jean Claude Trichet, said that certain economies of the region began to show signs of recovery. Furthermore, recall that recently, the OECD said that both England, France and Italy, showed signs of economic improvement. However, the situation in Germany continues sensitive. And this last factor may be detrimental to the euro. Keith McLoughlin is often quoted as being for or against this. While Germany does not achieve significant improvements, the Euro Area and the euro will suffer great pressure. The euro lost 70 pips against the dollar and closed at 1.3591. Against the yen, the euro fell 200 pips and reached 132.23.

On the other hand, the EUR / GBP earned about 30 pips. Today it would be advisable to monitor the publications will be announced both in the Euro zone as in England, because in large part determine the trend of the euro and the pound. In England published data of the manufacturing sector and the trade balance at 8:30 GMT. On the other hand, in the Euro Zone CPI will be published on German final at 6:00 GMT and Budesbank president, Axel Weber will speak at 15:00 GMT. It would also be advisable to follow the words of Obama and / or Ben Bernanke, as they may cause a stir. JPY – The yen advanced against the yen the dollar yesterday rose against the dollar while the stock market fell, and apparently, the banking sector continues unstable. That is why the yen gained points as safe haven again. On the other hand, the HSBC said that despite their gains, next year will be extremely difficult.

Exchange Commission

What is prop.treyding? How does propretri company and its traders? School of Internet trading Gennady Babak The article we begin a series of articles about the professional trading and trading as a profession. Every beginner trader sooner or later asks themselves simple questions: when will I be able to earn thousands of dollars a day as possible? Where can I find an investor, what conditions to offer and how to protect themselves against possible problems in With regard to commitments to the investor or investors. For a long time traders CIS attempt to address these issues, and most of them tried and still tries to do it on forex, in a deliberately opaque conditions and unequal Borba with unscrupulous dillingovymi centers. Many investors still alive the memory of the bloody drains of the first large funds: What is worth only 18 million – it's not a typo – 18 million dollars only Evidence of loss on the fund Borishpoltsa. There are other examples that are not yet at the hearing simply because the amount lost by investors, were somewhat lower order. Yet neither the investors nor the traders from this no easier. A Meanwhile, all this happened and is happening so far due to lack of knowledge as elementary rabotet industry professional trading in the same States, for example. So, why reinvent the wheel when long been built not only bicycles, motorcycles and ATVs with …

Let's look at how the stock market segment of the investment in the west. This simplified scheme, but it is rather describes the concept, intuitive and easy to understand. 1. There are so-called propretari company – scheme of work of such companies is based on investing in the stock trading in order to profit from both the speculation on the Stock Exchange and on the commission. 2. Each company propretari has a contract with a licensed broker or dillingovoy company that provides propkompanii everything necessary, including the withdrawal of warrants on the stock exchange, software, the same trading platform, clearing and so on. 3. Propkompaniya invested and involved in the management of their own means of experienced traders, concludes a contract with them and in turn provides opportunities for professional trading – that is, the trader is employee and shall enjoy all its benefits, achievements and opportunities – baypaver (amount in management), an advanced trading platform, stock information …

4. Why is it profitable company – a company makes a profit from both trading, and from the commission (brokerage + own markup). 5. Why is it profitable trader – the trader is working with baypaverov hundreds of thousands and often millions of dollars without investing a penny of own funds. 6. As propkompaniya protected from discharges – set a clear system of risk management. For each fixed teryderom risk manager who has full control bidding and can quickly close all orders of any trader company. Immediately sets the limits for maximum losses of the day and so on. 7. As you can see, everything is under control – the broker controlled by a special organization (the Commission for Securities and Exchange (The Securities and Exchange Commission), Corporation for Protection of Investors in Securities (SPIC), a trader monitors propkompaniya, propkompaniya interested and grows only in the case of the growth and success of its well traders. This is the approximate scheme of work in proptreydinge. Will continue to … We invite you to become a professional and enter the world of real exchange trading through our portal