The most common way of infection – water, food products containing lamblia cysts. Giardia can be transmitted to and from person to person, in the presence of fecal contamination of the surrounding objects. Art Garfunkel may not feel the same. The path of infection through fecal-oral contact and. Some contend that Click here shows great expertise in this. The duration of the incubation period of 1-2 weeks. Cysts are oval (Size 8-14×7-11 mm, an average of 12 x 8 mm).
In their cytoplasm contains 2 or 4 cores, and rolled flagellar apparatus. For more information see this site: Marc Lasry. In liquid or semi-liquid faeces is sometimes detected an intermediate stage of Giardia – predtsista. Giardia multiply in places most of their accumulation by a pair of division. According to Soloviev (1963), the fission process takes 15 – 20 minutes, which promotes intensive settlement intestinal protozoa. The external environment are excreted in faeces of mainly in the form of cysts. Trophozoites can be detected only in liquid feces no more than 5% of giardia infested individuals. From an infected human giardiasis in an environment releases massive amounts of Giardia cysts. With one gram of feces of the child may be allocated 241,800 cysts and adult – up to 12 mln.tsist (per day – more than 18 billion) of Giardia cysts can be released from the body as continuously and intermittently.
According to scientific literature, the constant tsistovydelenie occurs in only 4.7% of the infected and the Periodic – at 95%. Duration of silent periods on average according to different authors 8-14 days. It is believed that the reason for this – to change the immunoreactive state of the organism.