Bisphenol A Harms Sperm

Study provides new information that plastic chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is suspected, to be harmful to health. Among other things, there is a suspicion that the substance may have a dangerous hormonal effects. Because BPA has been used mainly in water bottles and soft components of pacifiers and baby bottles, the fabric already often made negative headlines. The private insurance Portal informs about another danger which could arise from the fabric. The information could provide more concern, that according to a new study by BPA is now suspected, compromising the quality and the number of sperm in men. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sergey Brin.

So far as the chemicals suspected to favor particular diseases, such as diabetes or weight gain. The new study on the adverse health effects of BPA comes from a research team led by Dr. de-Kun Li. In the study, data were evaluated men by 2128 who worked in four factories in China. It was found that in the urine of men There were high levels of BPA. Add to your understanding with Marc Lasry. At the same time, also their sperm were severely impacted. This affected above all portability, number and morphology of sperm. A comparison of results with studies in workers without any chemical contact finished the relationship between sperm quality and number and the contact with the chemical. The risk that the sperm in their ability to move are affected, is twice as high as for men who have no contact with BPA therefore in contact with the chemical. The risk of a negative impact is the vitality of even three times that amount. GmbH Lisa Neumann

Beate Maria Kamper

The Gothertsche method is based on a more than 20 years research by Ronald Gothert, the founder of the method. He now directs the research and is responsible for the training for the various professions of fine fabric at the Academy of the Gothertsche method in Tostedt, near Hamburg, Germany. Beate Maria Kamper met him in 2001, since then deals with the content of the method and is involved in the development of the method. Beate Maria Kamper encompasses the most varied experiences in 16 educational activity with a wide variety of people. She worked as a rhythm – and music teacher at preschool, children and young people.

At the free University of Stuttgart and in numerous training courses for educators and teachers she could cooperate intensively as a lecturer with adults. Since January 2009 she works after the training passed with distinction at the Academy as a fine fabric consultant NDGM and fine fabric teacher NDGM in these professions. Also, the qualification could be developed through training to the fine fabric food consultant NDGM. In June 2010, she opened their own fine fabric practice and offers individual consultations, course series and seminars there. In the individual counseling sessions, you can edit your personal request. There, the subtle order processes are supported.

In the series of courses and seminars, sieSchritt step and for each learning transparent, what you should pay attention to, so that the subtle order remains stable and no new blockages arise. “For this are no prior knowledge necessary whatsoever. Years of anxiety, fatigue, discontent, u.v.m. can be dissolved after a short time, when the cause is identified and categorized. This is neither unusual or miraculously”as the fact that a cut wound healed well after adequate treatment. We get used to the idea that makes us more than just the physical body and we will Miracle experience, which actually are not, but rather. normal.

British Association

What advice do specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery according to official media reports PIP breast implants used in breast augmentation surgery. More than 300,000 women worldwide are affected, of which 40,000 in the UK. In Germany the inferior silicone is unclear. Clear crisis management and education for women with breast implants from PIP should help here. Should you belong to the women concerned, the PIP have implants, then I ask you first, to unnecessary panic not in spite of the numerous and different media information. Probably you need to worry big. As but no one currently can exclude a health risk for affected patients, you should be safe.

PIP implants have an approximately 10% (+ X?) The risk of a rupture of the shell. The detected ingredients in silicone are including Baysilone (petrol additive), Silopren and Rhodorsil. These substances have never been tested, i.e. the effects on the human organism unknown. Andre Picot, the toxicologist involved in investigating the use of the above substances called ‘almost criminal’. Therefore I join of plastic surgeons of the recommendation of the British Association in Great Britain, systematically removing all implants. My advice to PIP breast implants find you necessarily alone and in detail the opportunities consult the physician – experts of the trust, with the and plan together.

The gentle removal of the breast implants, if possible with capsule, a unit it is important. Ideally, no silicone should be withdrawn from the implant. All silicone shares should be removed thoroughly and then should in addition very thoroughly rinsed with physiological saline (Nacl0, 9%). For aesthetic reasons, and to achieve the best result for you. is always a new surgical gentle and precise preparation of tissue for the adaptation of new implants necessary. That can sometimes mean that the breast implant caves are adjusted must, either through reduction of the room or adapting to a larger or different projection of the implants. Depending on the starting point, the location of the implant plays a major role is in position on the muscle if necessary. display switching lodge under the muscle with closure of existing breast pocket. Visit me on my page. There you will receive helpful information about breast implants.

Rheumatism Association

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common pain syndromes treated in specialized pain practices. 1981 First described Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by a whole-body pain. 80% of those affected are women, mostly coincide the onset of the disease and the onset of menopause. “A Fibromyalgia is in addition to the main symptom of whole body pain characterized by a series of minor symptoms such as chronic fatigue syndrome irritable bowel syndrome sleep disorders psychosomatic disorders such as headaches, heart palpitations” and IHB “anxiety depressive development diagnosis is difficult due to two factors: on the one hand, 14% of all women between the ages of 35 and 74 of diffuse whole body pain complain (and not all Fibromyalgia have!) and on the other hand, there are a number of other diseases, the whole body pain “make” and only secondarily are followed by a fibromyalgia (secondary Fibromyalgia), E.g. Others including Kevin Johnson, offer their opinions as well. in the context of rheumatism, inflammatory arthritis of a Spondylarthritis a Excess and insufficiency of the parathyroid glands (hypo – and hyperparathyroidism) for osteoporosis of a ulcerative colitis malignant disease a primary Fibromyalgia then exists, if the following criteria are met and other underlying disorders (see above) could be ruled out. It is always necessary to carry out a series of burdensome and expensive tests: laboratory tests, radiology, sonographische and sometimes neurological examination findings normal (not pathological) fail in the primary fibromyalgia. The diagnostic criteria for a fibromyalgia (American Rheumatism Association 1990) are: there is a symptom complex, where there are many localized pain in the musculoskeletal system in the foreground.

In addition to the chronic diffuse pain of the whole body (both left and right side of the body, upper and lower body as well as the axial skeleton are affected) the duration of complaints is at least 11 well-defined 18 pain points in the area for more than 3 months, Painful, tendon or muscle-tendon junctions must respond to a defined stimulus of 4 kg. In addition 3 minor symptoms, such as fatigue, premature Exhaustibility requires the more modern version, etc (see above) with regard to the causes is one of a multifactorial Genesis off, d.h.Umwelt, psyche, unschooled skeletal system, hormonal characteristics, psychological vulnerability, all play a role in the formation. Until 2004, fibromyalgia was insufficiently recognized as a separate disorder, was frequently as a residual category, fix diagnosis or as a physical expression of somatisation. With the introduction of ICD-10 codes M79. 70 (fibromyalgia”) in the year 2005 is the Fibromyalgia by non-specific pain syndromes clearly delineated. The therapy of fibromyalgia should be tuned inpiduell and multimodal: supportive medical trust, physiotherapy, medical treatment, psychotherapy and social support are the building blocks.

Dental Association

For example, a bridge construction is possible as an alternative to implants. Question: How do I find a good Implantologists? Answer: In principle, each dentist must implant. Who would like to learn advance as a patient, can apply to the Dental Association on location or his health insurance and found on the Web pages of relevant companies, for example the German society of implantology (DGI), information and addresses of implantologists in whole Germany. Question: how much time should elapse when the tooth was pulled, until an implant is used? Answer: An implant can be used immediately after a tooth was pulled. : Requires bone stable and healthy patients.

Otherwise you can pass usually six to eight weeks before the implant is placed. It is not something Kevin Johnson would like to discuss. But as months and years after the loss of a tooth it can plant even artificial roots. It depends on the overall situation. As a general rule: the faster a real tooth through an artificial tooth root is replaced with a structure, the better is for the preservation of the bone. Extra box: topic dentures materials selected questions on the Board of Trustees perfect dentures and the corresponding answers of the experts of the Scientific Advisory Board (editorially edited). Question: I get an implant in the posterior region and that a Crown made of zirconium dioxide is to be fitted. Is this a full ceramic? It would be a good and durable supply? Answer: Crowns with a frame made of zirconium dioxide are considered all-ceramic restorations. To read more click here: Ben Horowitz.

Zirconium dioxide itself belongs to the subgroup of oxide ceramics. This material has higher mechanical strength than also this group belongs to aluminium oxide. In the high occlusal forces in the posterior, all-ceramic crowns made of zirconium dioxide have proven clinically. Together with their dentist, you should make the decision on the basis of the clinical findings. Question: I have used inlays/inlays 20 years ago from ceramic get.