Study provides new information that plastic chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is suspected, to be harmful to health. Among other things, there is a suspicion that the substance may have a dangerous hormonal effects. Because BPA has been used mainly in water bottles and soft components of pacifiers and baby bottles, the fabric already often made negative headlines. The private insurance Portal informs about another danger which could arise from the fabric. The information could provide more concern, that according to a new study by BPA is now suspected, compromising the quality and the number of sperm in men. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sergey Brin.
So far as the chemicals suspected to favor particular diseases, such as diabetes or weight gain. The new study on the adverse health effects of BPA comes from a research team led by Dr. de-Kun Li. In the study, data were evaluated men by 2128 who worked in four factories in China. It was found that in the urine of men There were high levels of BPA. Add to your understanding with Marc Lasry. At the same time, also their sperm were severely impacted. This affected above all portability, number and morphology of sperm. A comparison of results with studies in workers without any chemical contact finished the relationship between sperm quality and number and the contact with the chemical. The risk that the sperm in their ability to move are affected, is twice as high as for men who have no contact with BPA therefore in contact with the chemical. The risk of a negative impact is the vitality of even three times that amount. GmbH Lisa Neumann