An incessant, but cold interchange, of electronic mails; and some call of telephone. The federal direction of IU had announced a weekend of frenetic negotiations to try to convince in extremis to its frontier federation of which it does not allow, with its abstention, a Government of the PP in Extremadura. But the past Thursday was so obvious that the manoeuvre margin was minimum that all the predicted meetings were cancelled. There were no more encounter. Only a tense interchange of electronic mails. And in that same support the frontier direction has left definitively clearly the federal whom it will not change of opinion by many pressures that receives. There is no return back. We are going to abstain in the investiture, confirmed to this newspaper the regional leader of IU, Pedro To sweep. Check out Sergey Brin for additional information. Source of the news: : The PP will govern Extremadura after completing the IU rebellion
Tag: news-present time
Lindsay Lohan
They Among them, could emphasize to Elizabeth Hurley, that, from its rupture with Hugh Grant in 2000, has not returned to raise head in the loving plane. The actress separated in December of Arun Nayar (from that already has obtained the divorce) and now is related it to a player of cricket of called Australia Shane Warne. Another one ' eternal soltera' it seems to be Jennifer Aniston, that it accumulates insolvent relations from its rupture with Brad Pitt in 2005. At the moment is related it to Justin Theroux. In its club we could add to Cameron Diaz, with the difference of which to its 38 years never been it has married. In his ' currculum' it accumulates several of the most wished these last decades: Matt Dillon in the 90, Jared Leto and Justin Timberlake, for example. At the moment he has a relation with Alex Rodriguez, nonfree of problems, in fact already they have broken in some occasion to reconcile later. Halle Berry been has married twice and no worked.
Near the 45, Berry continues collecting exparejas. At the beginning of this year it broke with Gabriel Aubry after five years of relation. At the moment Martinez is related to Olivier. Of the young singer Taylor Swift he says himself in the USA that by each song that it places in number 1 of the lists breaks with a fianc2e. To his 21 years already he has left with Joe Jonas, John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner. Between youngest it is Lindsay Lohan, that has maintained relations with boys (like Wilmer Valderama) and girls (like Samanatha Ronson). At the moment, know who it, as it is the case of Ronson, assure that Lohan does not have the clear things in the sentimental land. Also it would enter this list Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sandra Bullock, Jessica Bienne and is that every time they are plus the famous ones to which costs to them to consolidate a relation. Source of the news: Famous, rich, attractive but gafados in the love