Infant Health

If the child is bottle-fed, then feed in the period of the disease, it is recommended fermented milk mixtures, and not fresh, they are easier absorbed and assimilated by the body, improve appetite, normalize the intestinal microflora. Last not least, if your child antibiotics. Who are older. When ARI ill child receiving solid foods, it is better to increase his intake of dairy familiar products. But do not enter the yogurt to the menu of the child, if he had not tried it. Remember the main rule: during an illness no experiments with new products. It is forbidden to try to raise the appetite for foods that the child not received, otherwise than respiratory disease, you will be treated well, and gastrointestinal or allergic. During his illness much to drink should not only babies, but all children.

Permitted to offer weak tea, juice, fruit compote. Of juice is recommended to avoid too sour and too sweet, as they cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and increased cough. Please visit Richard Elman if you seek more information. If a baby has vomiting or nausea, then drink neobholimo just a little bit cool. In acute illness all the dishes let's warm in the liquid or semisolid form. Vegetables and fruits are boiled until soft and rub, meat and fish prepared mashed potatoes or souffle (even if the child is eating burgers).

It is very convenient in the period of the disease use specialized canned baby food, has a delicate texture. With difficulty swallowing or pain in the throat should be excluded sharp, salty and acidic foods. But the candy is very domustimy, especially mint. With a strong cough not let crackers, cookies, nuts, sour, and very sweet fruits or berries. Make sure, that during coughing child will not choke. As the healing power baby can become more a full and varied. To make it easier body to fight infection, especially now he needs a high-protein foods. Therefore the child is permitted to offer large quantities of a few cheese, meat sauce, egg yolk, as well as children's canned meat and poultry. However, despite the advice of the older generation, save the baby from stock – in the diet of young children, this product is strictly not recommended! You also need to think about replenishment of stocks of vitamin child's body, which at the time of distress is strongly depleted. If the crumb is exclusively breastfed, mom is desirable to use a regular multivitamin complexes in the therapeutic dose, mainly vitamin C. Babies on the advice of the pediatrician even give vitamins and vitamin drinks. During the disease do not ignore the requests of the child. If it is not soda and potato chips do not, listen to the children's request, 'Mom, I want to …'. On the other hand, do not bring heavy sacrifice of the exotic and expensive products. Try to keep a diet and medication, follow recommendations of a pediatrician or annotations. If your baby worries runny nose, try to first blow, drip, and then offer food. If the assigned rinse mouth, then they should be performed after Pius food, but not before. Note that all medical procedures related to the throat – lubrication, rinsing, irrigation, inspection spatula – may end in vomiting. And be prepared to tinker with serving dishes and interesting – the results can surpass all your expectations: two-three-year babies like a joyful, bright view table with some surprises.