In such a way, she is preserved the individual freedom front to the power of the State, through the exercise of the representative democracy. Others who may share this opinion include John Utendahl. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778), in turn, establishes its social contract from the conception of that he competes to the State guaranteeing the equality and the freedom, of which the men were detainers in nature state, but, that the social organization would have corrupted, resulting in instants inaqualities and injustices. Therefore, the State is one badly necessary one, but that it must have its controlled power for the civil society, and so that this occurs if it becomes necessary that the people participates directly in the legislative acts, and executives of the State. It was Montesquieu, through its Theory of the Separation Being able of them (or of the Tripartio Being able of them of the State), that in its workmanship: The Spirit of the Laws (1748), aimed at to moderate the Power of the State, dividing it in functions and giving to abilities the different agencies of the State. The ideas of Montesquieu, had left mainly of teses launched for John Locke.
It is important to relembrar that the idea of the three existence to be able, already was presented in Aristotle in its workmanship: ‘ ‘ The Poltica’ ‘ Therefore, in modernity with the affirmation State-nation, the democracy if presents in its representative form, but oscillating between a liberal matrix whose representation restricts it the representatives of the civil society justified by the universal suffrage, and a rousseniana matrix, whose representation consists stops beyond the elect representatives, in the popular participation front the instances of the State, through communitarian advice, popular consultations, public conferences, amongst other forms. What she is necessary to point out here is the fact of that as much the democracy of liberal matrix, supported in the individual and economic freedom, as the democracy of rousseniana matrix supports in the search of the equality through the popular participation, leaves of one estimated fallacious one: of that the society is constituted of free individuals, citizens autonomous worker and with conscience of the necessity of the participation in the spaces politicians assured for the State. But, he is not this that occurs, in the measure where they forget that this modern citizen is the result of processes of assujeitamento in the scope of the institutions and the social processes in which it inserts itself throughout modernity. Or said in another way, the modern democracies and contemporaries are justified and legitimized in the scope of the production of speeches institutionalized directed to the society of masses, in which if it inserts the modern citizen, now transformed into producing and consuming individual of products, goods and services, and that also it consumes speeches around the rights of peoples and nations, in the tolerance to the different cultures and religious creeds, in the rights and duties of the citizens, in the right the freedom and the equality of conditions between individuals. i Sandro Bazzanella Luiz? Professor of Philosophy of the Course of Social Sciences of the UnC and doutorando of the Interdisciplinar Program in Sciences Human beings of Federal university of Santa Catarina.