Resource Market

The Human Resource Market is like a mountain river, recruitment agencies are the prospectors, sifting sand to find gold nuggets. While there, rather they are looking for colored sand. Moreover, a given color, size, transparency, etc. It depends on what needs customer. And the customer can be the most bizarre and unusual requests. Sometimes they just have no idea what exactly they want.

At such times determine the time spent, almost more than the direct search candidates. Therefore there is a need for systematization in interactions with employers who want to equip staff with qualified personnel. Titan Feul Tanks has similar goals. To find the best tactics interaction should be possible to accurately determine the ultimate goals of the agency and client interaction. Customer requires a qualified person to be responsible a number of requirements, and the cost of his search should be minimal. Recruitment Agency in the goal puts the entrance to the fact that the work of a skilled and receive royalties on this fact, and the fee should not exceed spent searching for resources. Minimal interaction between the customer and the representative is to establish what exactly the customer needs a specialist and what conditions will be given to the candidate. The second part needs to be able to interest the applicant in offered jobs. Therefore, communication with the customer needed.

But not all customers are aware of this need. With respect to interactions recruiters identify several generic types of the customer. Type “master” placing an order to fill the vacancy, disappears completely from sight agency, providing it himself. Difficult to find suitable candidates without additional information. “Kicker” interacts unilaterally – criticizes recruiters. If he is an expert in the field – was it worth to contact the agency? But the order is an order. “Swim” in search of an employee rushes. He confused and unpredictable. Extreme caution needed when dealing with such and regular contact. The true joy Recruitment consultants are “Business partnenry.” Rapport and constructive communication greatly increases the efficiency of recruiting at declared vacancy. There is a trend to an increase in the number of managers who are seriously business-like approach to the issue of complete state enterprises. To display any customer to the level of productive interaction should clearly outline the benefits that it receives under this approach. Practically turn into practice the skills of sales and promotion. Consultant Agency is promoting itself, promotes the service and, ultimately, the applicant, meet the requirements. And it is important to calculate the area of mutual gain, when the interaction is equally beneficial for the agency and the client. In many ways, helps to disclose the fact that he was ready to pay money to the customer. Practice shows that attract are: the prestige of the agency or the prestige of the fact of the agency, access to a broad base of candidates, saving time on selection of personnel through an agency. In any case, there are several prerequisites for effective co-employer agency. First, it is possible to obtain detailed and accurate information about the requirements for the candidate and the circumstances that the employer has to offer. Correlating the employer’s offer with the existing situation on the labor markets will show the possibility of filling the vacancy. In some cases, the employer may be a recommendation to revise requirements. Short intervals between interviews. Timely communication of interviewing candidates for granted. When cooperation is based on these principles, its success a foregone conclusion.