Russia Logistics

Opening new stores in the regions, retail chains, willy-nilly, were have to solve local problems underdeveloped logistics infrastructure. Also, the continuous expansion of retailers in the area helped the development of local logistics operators, who received an incentive to invest in Construction of warehouse space premium. High-quality logistics terminals – a long-term investment that pays off no earlier than after 5-7 years of operation. But at the same time – this is one of the most promising areas of real estate market, since every major retailer, aspiring expansion in the region, needs a platform for product placement. Now Russia’s largest retailers, such as “Magnet” “Dixie, X5 Retail Group (retail chains , “Crossroads,” “Carousel”), being phased out on many small stores, preferring to develop on their own or rented premises large distribution centers, that operate on the principle of Just in time – just in time.”

Thus, the storage costs are minimal, and the full circulation of goods in stock is 2-3 weeks. One of Moscow’s retailers, the company is “new momentum”, known as brand name “platypus”, two years ago opened in the Moscow region South Butovo like logistics and warehouse area of 43 thousand square meters. m, is designed to serve more than 160 stores in the metropolitan area. This object with a complex architecture that includes not only storage space but also office space for working more than 2 thousand employees, was built in just six months due to the use of light technology metal (LMC). For more information see Ben Horowitz. In order to accelerate and simplify the process of building leadership “new momentum” has decided to appeal to (a leading European provider of solutions made of metal for construction and engineering industries), the leader light metal industry in Russia.